"Compulsive-obsessive fucking" seems to be the contemporary assertion of manhood. After reading bell hook's We Real Cool, Ive had my eyes opened. The recognizance of the Male paradox of power has allowed me to gain a newer perspective of sex.
Through exegesis and excogitation (new fav dependant clause), Ive noticed that males feel they can erradicate past feelings pf lonliness,inferiority, and lack of masculinty through sex. In actuality, sex only reafirms those feelings. When resoring to sex for the abolishment of these feelings and to gain a sense of manhood back, dudes must acknowledge the power of females;they possess the ability to both erect us whenever they get the urge to and withhold their private parts from males.
Through sex however, men subconsciously see fucking as a way to do two things: reclaim their sense of superiority and put females back (yes I said back--we live in a patriarchal society) in their place of inferiority. Sex in this case is seen as a game of dominance and submission; the game where men act as pawns seeking to reclaim manhood from their queens.
These sexual politics are huge indications of weaknesses for a man and also a female. Through "Compulsive-obsessive fucking" dudes inadvertently acknowledge the paradox that the can only find pleasure in the pursuit of power and power in the pursuit of pleasure. That the only way they can attain power is through subjugating a woman during an act of sex/pleasure. They are admitting extreme weakness/cowardliness by this. This shows that men who obsessively fuck cant seek out other mediums to assert their manhood; other mediums that will allow them to attain power in other ways. So can anyone tellme why prostitutes work for weak ass pimps? Or Why do masqueraded hoes habitually fall victim to weak ass playas?
This approach to sex is wrong. Sex should be embraced without external labels, intent to belittle or compete with the mate, or even presure to impress the mate. Before sex you and your partner should consider having a candid dialogue (I'm starting to sound like Cornell West in Race Matters lol) to share your motives and intentions. After this bleak conversation, the two (or three) of you should have an aura of equality between each other. This will make the intercoarse more pleasurable.
Sex should be approached as a chance to strengthen a bond not to boost your ego. Sex is important when embraced as mentioned above. Oftent times it is missused and results in many people becoming afraid to partake in the act. As one who has enjoyed it on both sides of the pixie stick, I can asure those indecisive about sex that it is 5% physical, 15% the mentality you have during, and 80% the approach you take to it.
I hope I helped some of you and possibly gave some of you an excuse to indulge in it more...I only ask that you all stop abusing the sentiment of sex.
Hooks, Bell. We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity. New York: Routledge, 2003. Print.