Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Its okay...We know you're a bitch =)

By way of many teachings from my mother, I have always expressed an aversion towards addressing females as "Bitches". However, after watching "Hip Hop:Beyond Beats and Rhymes" my position on that seems a bit specious. I made the generalization that no woman should be addressed as a Bitch, never considering that maybe some women may choose to be addressed as such. In the movie the director, Byron Hurt, interviewed a young man that broke women into two categories: Sisters and Bitches. Sisters being the ones that dress themselves as respectable women whilst the bitches are being labeled because the participate in the commodification of their sexuality that hip hop has idolized. It seems as if the more a female conforms to the standards set by Hip Hop to be "sexy" the more they are eligible to be labeled as a bitch. I dont agree with this 100 percent....YET. But I'm sure through exegesis and excogitation that I will soon find enough corroborations to alter my approach of addressing females. Blogspot....wanna debate???

9 ppl talkin' to me:

iforgotmyname said...

Nah i don't think you should label someone based on what they look like. that's ridiculous. What was that quote? I'm sure you've heard it... I may not get it to an exact but it was somewhere along the lines of this... judge me not by the color of my skin but by the content of my character...that doesn't have to be limited just to skin color, you can take it out of context... Wearing certain clothing doesn't make a person want to be called a bitch nor does it make them a bitch. it's all in how the person acts. how they treat other people... and how they try to present themselves, not involving clothing. especially if they walk around hollering stuff like "number one bitch right here" or something else stupid of that nature. that is the dumbest theory i've ever heard. of course, no offense should be taken because it wasn't your theory... the whole thing is just messed up. lol

'Kalos' said...

Lol...I agree with you...I honestly put this up here to see how my female followers felt about this because the females in the movie didn't help at all. Your right I shouldn't judge a book by its cover...but what if the content of that book portrays itself in a "bitchy" way?...would labeling a female be permissible then?

iforgotmyname said...

Hey Jeff. Glad your turkey day was good, mine was too.

Hmm... I don't think it worked very well. I'm the only person who responded to it. You know what I say to that? If the content of that book portrays itself in a bitchy way than stop reading it. In my opinion labeling is never okay. You tell someone that they are a certain thing than that's all they'll ever be. Why not help them improve?

'Kalos' said...

Ha Ha..ouch lol...yeah I should have marketed this one a little better eh?

Labeling is okay. You label/stereotype people and things subconsciously after a natural evaluation of 'em. This is the root for further investigation in any case.

And I wouldn't mind helping the person improve...but that isn't the substance of this argument. We are trying to designate an instance where it would be okay to label (or stereotype) a female to being a "bitch". You said above that "Wearing certain clothing doesn't make a person want to be called a bitch nor does it make them a bitch. it's all in how the person acts. how they treat other people"...which in this case is the content of th book I speak of. So my question still lingers unanswered, If the females actions allows her to be portrayed as a bitch, then would it then be permissable to call a female a "bitch".

iforgotmyname said...

Yeah maybe. And don't worry about that, I haven't been posting much lately as you can see. Mmm.. my bad. I might have misunderstood the question. Yeah you're right about that - the subconscious evaluations and what not.

The way I've been thinking of it is that you would meet a so called bitchy person and greet them by saying "hey bitch" or if you were talking to another person "Man, that girl is a bitch" That's when I'm saying it's not okay...

But, well... if it walks like a bitch..talks like a bitch... acts like a bitch...it's a bitch. When you ask "is it permissible to call, etc" are you asking whether it's alright to consider the person to be a bitch or to actually outright call them a bitch, to their face or otherwise?

If you mean to think of them as a bitch, for example, if you read a horrible book and are forced to think "that was the worst sack of crap I've ever read" well, nothing can stop you from that with it being the truth =o

If you mean to refer to them as a bitch welp, in my opinion, calling someone out of there name is a no go, so if that's your question, nuh uh.

Did I answer correctly and fully this time?

'Kalos' said...

Yeah you gave me what I was looking for. I don't think I could ever bring myself to peace with calling a female a bitch but labeling them a bitch internally- I can live with.

. . .Thanks for the insight!

iforgotmyname said...

You're welcome man, thanks for the thought provoking post!

Still thinking of stuff now though...

Does it feel hypocritical to you to not be able to call a girl a bitch to her face but be able to feel that she is one on the inside? I dunno. It does a little bit to me, but then again it doesn't because there are somethings that you just don't say to people and some feelings you can't help =o

What do you think about that?

'Kalos' said...

oooooo nice. I would say yes it is a bit shady but not hypocritical. I think its in the box with all those other "unspeakables" you just don't blurt out in front of a person's face. Like you mentioned earlier, If you're trying to help this"bitch" out, then it will come out sooner than later...your job is to find out the appropriate time and place to share this recognizance with her.

iforgotmyname said...

True. Ha that's what I was thinking. I knew hypocritical wasn't the right word, i just couldn't think of it. good point though

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