Sunday, November 29, 2009

. . .Lets talk about sex. . .

"Compulsive-obsessive fucking" seems to be the contemporary assertion of manhood. After reading bell hook's We Real Cool, Ive had my eyes opened. The recognizance of the Male paradox of power has allowed me to gain a newer perspective of sex.

Through exegesis and excogitation (new fav dependant clause), Ive noticed that males feel they can erradicate past feelings pf lonliness,inferiority, and lack of masculinty through sex. In actuality, sex only reafirms those feelings. When resoring to sex for the abolishment of these feelings and to gain a sense of manhood back, dudes must acknowledge the power of females;they possess the ability to both erect us whenever they get the urge to and withhold their private parts from males.

Through sex however, men subconsciously see fucking as a way to do two things: reclaim their sense of superiority and put females back (yes I said back--we live in a patriarchal society) in their place of inferiority. Sex in this case is seen as a game of dominance and submission; the game where men act as pawns seeking to reclaim manhood from their queens.

These sexual politics are huge indications of weaknesses for a man and also a female. Through "Compulsive-obsessive fucking" dudes inadvertently acknowledge the paradox that the can only find pleasure in the pursuit of power and power in the pursuit of pleasure. That the only way they can attain power is through subjugating a woman during an act of sex/pleasure. They are admitting extreme weakness/cowardliness by this. This shows that men who obsessively fuck cant seek out other mediums to assert their manhood; other mediums that will allow them to attain power in other ways. So can anyone tellme why prostitutes work for weak ass pimps? Or Why do masqueraded hoes habitually fall victim to weak ass playas?

This approach to sex is wrong. Sex should be embraced without external labels, intent to belittle or compete with the mate, or even presure to impress the mate. Before sex you and your partner should consider having a candid dialogue (I'm starting to sound like Cornell West in Race Matters lol) to share your motives and intentions. After this bleak conversation, the two (or three) of you should have an aura of equality between each other. This will make the intercoarse more pleasurable.

Sex should be approached as a chance to strengthen a bond not to boost your ego. Sex is important when embraced as mentioned above. Oftent times it is missused and results in many people becoming afraid to partake in the act. As one who has enjoyed it on both sides of the pixie stick, I can asure those indecisive about sex that it is 5% physical, 15% the mentality you have during, and 80% the approach you take to it.

I hope I helped some of you and possibly gave some of you an excuse to indulge in it more...I only ask that you all stop abusing the sentiment of sex.

Hooks, Bell. We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity. New York: Routledge, 2003. Print.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Its okay...We know you're a bitch =)

By way of many teachings from my mother, I have always expressed an aversion towards addressing females as "Bitches". However, after watching "Hip Hop:Beyond Beats and Rhymes" my position on that seems a bit specious. I made the generalization that no woman should be addressed as a Bitch, never considering that maybe some women may choose to be addressed as such. In the movie the director, Byron Hurt, interviewed a young man that broke women into two categories: Sisters and Bitches. Sisters being the ones that dress themselves as respectable women whilst the bitches are being labeled because the participate in the commodification of their sexuality that hip hop has idolized. It seems as if the more a female conforms to the standards set by Hip Hop to be "sexy" the more they are eligible to be labeled as a bitch. I dont agree with this 100 percent....YET. But I'm sure through exegesis and excogitation that I will soon find enough corroborations to alter my approach of addressing females. Blogspot....wanna debate???

Monday, November 23, 2009

Spanish or Chinese?

Can anybody drive a Jeff?...I need some steering right about now. Right now everyone is dying to register for their classes and suit themselves in the best position to make the best our of next semester. Not me... I'm being as strategic as possible. With that, I must take a foreign language.

The U.S. Census Bureau says that currently Hispanics occupy 14% of Americas population; by the year 2050 that will increase by 10%. Meaning America has a rapidly growing Hispanic population.

Apart from that, China is becoming a global monopoly. It seems as if in the business world going global is the equivalent to getting a doctorate while just being national is a mere high school degree.

With the Hispanic population rapidly growing and China's hegemony growing just as fast, who's culture should I embrace? Which foreign language should I take up?

Sunday, November 22, 2009


"They say if you ain't got no money, take yo broke ass home. I say if you got two dollars then come through to my party".....ITS MY HAPPY 100th PARTY!!! WHOOOOO HOOOOO My most previuos post was my 100th post. I feel established now. It seems to me that a certain number of followers or posts conveys how serious of a blogger you are. Althought I previously lost a follower, =(, I feel pretty damn good about my blog. I hope that I can continue to sustain you all's interest and you all do the same. Thanks for the support!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Come Back =(

I found out what hurts more than a bad grade on a paper you worked diligently on. ITs losing a follower =(..I know I was on a dry spell but DAMN...that hurts. Im not sure who you were, but know that you are missed =(

Embrace communion!

Once again, I am in utter disgust. I realize the value that Chicano Americans have on this land. Ironically, I got this epiphany in sociology class by my African American peer. The professor was not here today so we were assigned this movie on the Chicano Civil rights movie. My assumption was we were not watching it for without a purpose, so why not pay full attention to the movie.

About 20 minutes into the discussion, I became deeply interested into the movie. The parallelism of the Chicano Equality Movement with the Black Equality Movement amazed me. From the symbolism of the tags they gained (Chicano = poorest of the poor and Black = ignorant and submissive) to the leadership, marches, and even quotes they used amazed me! The period was during the sixties for both entities as well. It really built an innate propensity in me to understand more.

Suddenly, I am distracted by a few of my peers having a legitimate conversation on the side of me. I politely ask them to tone their voices down. They respond, “You really watchin this Chicano shit” [laughter] “It’s not like we gone get tested on it or anything”. I was appalled. Shocked. How could someone who attends an institution that constantly embeds having a social conscious and breath of understanding of knowledge, revoke such precious information? Haphazardly he showed me how much people value the Chicano people. After watching the movie a second time, I strongly encourage others to get a glimpse of their past. Do not be content with only your history and culture… embrace diversity. Bell hooks once said that our community protects its complacency. She said that maybe if we “replace the notion of community with communion” that we will be better off as a race, a nation and a world. (Communion means the exchange of culture)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What kind of world would it be?

The social exchange theory says we venture off and try many new things. The determinant of whether we will try that act again is determined by the response we get from the environment. Take the example of a guy using a new pick up line... Imagine scenery dark, boisterous and youthful. At the bar of “Club Shhhh”, there is a beautiful young lady wearing a classy combination of Crème, Olive and Brown. Jacob watched a YouTube video entitled “how to get girls the persuasive way”. In this video, it teaches Jacob a few persuasive, ‘sure-to-get-her’ conversation starters. Jonathan approaches the young lady, exchange names and asks her was her feet tired.

She responded “Why ??!!”

Jonathan proceeded to tell her that “she had been running through his mind all day”…
the lady left.

Jonathan will never try that line again because it won’t give him the necessary attention and acceptance from females. If Jonathan had ignited a great conversation with that young lady off of that line, more than likely he would use it more and have more confidence when approaching the next girl. My point is that every human one the face wants one thing; we all seek to find social acceptance and will resort to any medium in order to attain it.

Murderers use Violence as a way to be accepted by the “tough role” that serves as the standard for masculinity. Scholars use their wit to share with the world. Once it has been shared and cherished by the world, confidence will build in that scholar and more works will be produced. Prostitute is one who has been conditioned to using her “tools of gratification” to receive financial capital and acceptance from men. I can go on and on with examples of this but I want to share my thesis with you. I believe that many of the mishaps in our society are rooted to someone seeking social acceptance but if people didn’t value social acceptance, we would be in one of two worlds.

Would we have a world as peaceful as 3 praying Mantises on an uncharted monastery enjoying the chance to fellowship under a new stem or would we have a world as belligerent as 300 fire ants that are angry because someone spilled boiling water on the habitat. Would we join in peaceful uniformity or all rebel to establish our own individualism…

. . .BlogSpot…where do you think we would be?

Let gays live...

I am at unease...I find myself in revulsion by the ubiquitous Homophobic mindsets of the youth. I understand that due to the media and oldfashioned teachings that many are taught to disdain homosexuality but from having a roommate that interacts heavily with homosexuals, I can attest for my brothers; homosexaukls are cool. In a recent cafeteria dialogue I mentioned this and watched all my counterparts turn thier faces in ways a yoga teacher would bend thier body. Thier utter disgust they they had on their face implied two things: they began to question my sexuality and they thought I was "tripping". I feel like homosexuality doesnt have to be a should be embraced and welcomed. Instead of critiquing these individuals from diverging from the norm of sexuality, we should consider their motives. This way we would either have a better sense of unity in our community with homosexuals and even learn how to prevent others from doing so by steering them away from the same experiences. There is only one thing that can prevent this from being implemented: The mindsets of people.

I want to encourage others to think of their sexuality like a military and think of homosexuality as a threat (which most already do). If your military constantly runs from "threats", that conveys an external perception that your military is cowardly and insecure. Yet, if your military finds a way to stop the threat from attack and even building an alliance--your military will be perceived as strong, witty, and durable. Many think that by "bashing" gays that they have conquered the threat, but that only shows low morality on your behalf. To translate that into military terms, no leader has ever lead for a long time without a good infrastructure of his military. That infrastructure morality. Morality leads to intuitiveness and many times your intuition is what leads in times of battle. Homosexuality shouldn't be looked at as a terrorist threat, It should be percieved as a way to build an alliance that will make your army stronger and thus helping you conwuer any future threats.

LOL...ok done fucking with you guys lol...I thought this was hilarious of how it was pertinent to this post.

Friday, November 13, 2009

. . .Shut up!

Basil Bernstein is a sociologist that had a theory that supported the Social Reproduction theory. I forget the name of his theory, but the concept of it will never be forgotten. He believed that the vernacular that people use is a determinant of how much success they will attain, nevertheless the class they will occupy. This theory that entails "restricted and elaborate codes"that just dictates how competitive a person may be in the future.

I feel the same way about slang. Pay attention to these fillers that people use that usually result in a loss of respect in many cases:
  • man
  • like
  • ya know what i'm saying
  • um
  • uh
These words when used in the way of "I don't agree with that man." or "Like, I cant agree with you on that one" or "I gotta disagree...ya know what im sayin" show that that person is looking for approval of what they are saying. If the person simply stated "I don't agree" shows confidence and self-confirmation on why he doesnt agree. Confidence always equates to respect (but presumptuousness doesnt). So next time when you are speaking to people...consider your fillers.

On another note, my two most recent books I have are "48 Laws of Power and "How to Win Friends and Influence People". They both state the same thing; You get more out of life when you don't talk as much. people who talk more than they listen often times are talking so much to compensate for something they believe they lack. A person who listens more than anything build comfort in their presence which in turn builds trust. With this trust you have power and also a very loyal friend. What you choose to do at this point with that power and trust is up to you but remember that not alot of people can get to this point. Listening equates to control.

One more thing, if you do talk...try not to talk about yourself too much. Every time I have done it, I say something I regret saying a week or two later. Not becuase I have went back on my word, but I realize the privacy, control and respect I lost inadvertently. wrap it up. SHUT YOUR YAP!!...and listen more. If you do talk, be mindful of your fillers and try not to talk about yourself.

Monday, November 09, 2009

I hope Im not too late...

I once told a girl I loved her...and didn't mean it. I then told the next girl the same thing...but still didn't mean it. Then once I really fell in love . . .I waited too long to tell her that I loved her. Blogspot...I don't want that to happen between me and you. I know I haven't been able to give you the attention you need lately and its due to these crazy ass assignments Ive been having lately...but baby all I'm asking id for you to wait for me. This upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas break it'll be me and you. But allow me to close out my academics strong....the wait, the anticipation and the struggle will only make our bond strong....I love you Blogspot. =*