Thursday, November 19, 2009

What kind of world would it be?

The social exchange theory says we venture off and try many new things. The determinant of whether we will try that act again is determined by the response we get from the environment. Take the example of a guy using a new pick up line... Imagine scenery dark, boisterous and youthful. At the bar of “Club Shhhh”, there is a beautiful young lady wearing a classy combination of Crème, Olive and Brown. Jacob watched a YouTube video entitled “how to get girls the persuasive way”. In this video, it teaches Jacob a few persuasive, ‘sure-to-get-her’ conversation starters. Jonathan approaches the young lady, exchange names and asks her was her feet tired.

She responded “Why ??!!”

Jonathan proceeded to tell her that “she had been running through his mind all day”…
the lady left.

Jonathan will never try that line again because it won’t give him the necessary attention and acceptance from females. If Jonathan had ignited a great conversation with that young lady off of that line, more than likely he would use it more and have more confidence when approaching the next girl. My point is that every human one the face wants one thing; we all seek to find social acceptance and will resort to any medium in order to attain it.

Murderers use Violence as a way to be accepted by the “tough role” that serves as the standard for masculinity. Scholars use their wit to share with the world. Once it has been shared and cherished by the world, confidence will build in that scholar and more works will be produced. Prostitute is one who has been conditioned to using her “tools of gratification” to receive financial capital and acceptance from men. I can go on and on with examples of this but I want to share my thesis with you. I believe that many of the mishaps in our society are rooted to someone seeking social acceptance but if people didn’t value social acceptance, we would be in one of two worlds.

Would we have a world as peaceful as 3 praying Mantises on an uncharted monastery enjoying the chance to fellowship under a new stem or would we have a world as belligerent as 300 fire ants that are angry because someone spilled boiling water on the habitat. Would we join in peaceful uniformity or all rebel to establish our own individualism…

. . .BlogSpot…where do you think we would be?

4 ppl talkin' to me:

Anonymous said...

The social exchange theory reminds me of Charles Darwin's concept of natural selection. When an organism acquires certain traits that prove beneficial to an environment, then the organism will be more likely to reproduce and pass these traits to their offspring.

But question…
~Is desire for social acceptance natural?
~Do you think certain groups are more prone to seek social acceptance? (race, class,...)


Jeff said...

Of coarse a desire for social acceptance is natural. Those who dont get acceptance usually turn out to be in an asylum.

I would say the lower classes always have to conform to a model in order to seek social acceptance from the dominant society. In order to win the game you have play by the rules first right?...unfortunately the dominant class or social group usually sets the standard or "rules" to conform to or "play by"

Anonymous said...

I agree.. I think people just want to succeed in society so they simply imitate the people who have already achieved.

How about minorities? Since slavery most blacks have strived to be more like the "White Man."

{If its not broke, then why fix It?}

'Kalos' said...

Wow...kinda extremist there lol.

Id say I have to disagree. If anything, blacks have shown a strong aversion towards conformity to the white culture. It is conveyed though macro and micro analysis. Macro -Media, Micro- Vernacular ("acting white").

By rejecting a "white" way to doing anything in black society in essence protects our culture. Deviation from what we do as Blacks usually result to ridicule.

However Blacks do acknowledge that they must adopt some of the white norms in order to gain success in life simply because whites have defined the American achievement ideology.

. . . .soooo I disagree. Yet, my point is very much debatable. =/

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What you say shawty?