Saturday, July 31, 2010
Mac Miller...
Witty syntax, thoughtful punchlines, and creative beats all seem to converge when Mac Miller takes the mic. This 18 year old rapper from Pittsburgh, PA is the newest member of the Rostrum Records label. "It's a good situation here at Rostrum, I love the team around me and I'm prepared for a very bright future" Mac tells Hip Hop Press. His future seems to be already bright with over 500,000 views on his Youtube for his top 5 videos and collabos with the emerging star, Wiz Khalifa. This Tuesday Mac Miller will be on the Hip Hop Noise special with Devin Hester and Tom Hasby. Tune in to Pittburgh area's own WPTS 92.1 at 8 pm or listen online for this exclusive interview. Enjoy...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Passenger Plane Crashes
An estimated 152 people died this morning in a Pakistan plane crash. I knew none of them but this hit me hard this morning. This is me sending my condolences out to all of the families who have had to bear a deeper hurt in response to this crash. I wish you all well. May peace and prosperity enrich the rest of your lives. Don't blame the Pilot, Airblue, or your creator. The plane simply lost signal with the airport towers.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Google BOLD Immersion 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Safer Sex. Poorer Nation.

Today I came across a new gel that decreases the chances of women getting AIDS by as much as 51% if used before and after sex. Last week an article was published about a new vaccination rids 91% of HIV within the body. Realizing an erupting pattern, I wonder if these discoveries are actually good for our economy. Although these discoveries won't be applicable to the body for a few years, the mere promulgation of their existence ensures one that there is more safety in unprotected sex. Therefore heightening the sex usage rate, birth rate, and poverty rate amongst Americans.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Posture Is a Leadership Skill
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Today Was A Good Day

What’s better than a baked bean sandwich with barbecue sauce and ground beef? One thing: my day. Today started early with intense studying and nature sounds. For some odd reason the sounds of bird calls and trickling water increase my capacity to consume knowledge when I’m alone. When it was time to put this consumption to test, I waxed my test in 37 minutes tops. I felt like a beast. Much like the feeling I had during high school cross country. The peaceful sight of the sun setting on a calm lake during a mild summer night compelled me take a jog. . . . Accomplished, I felt. So I read up on some articles as I stretched the pains away. The news of a company I may be working with in the near future, J.P. Morgan, increasing 2nd quarter profits significantly, the capping of the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill, and the Senate passage of the Financial Overhaul Bill made me even happier. The realization that I predicted all this to happen during this time early last month accentuated my beast mode. Today I didn’t climb the Great Wall of China but I did accomplish happiness. Ironic how it coins with my studies of the Buddhist culture.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Shabazz on Gerald = Frivolous.
Monday, July 12, 2010
A Better Alternative
For This Or That..Or That?
Friday, July 09, 2010
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Fight Sajjad! FIGHT!!
Unfortunately, Sajjad Mohammedie Ashtiani doesn't have the capacity to snap out of this imagery; it is is reality. He is on a mission to free his mother from something she is getting re-punished for after an inconsiderately heartless judge suggested that she should be further punished, five years later. Sajjad is attempting to obtain a letter from the only two men who can stop this, supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei and Judiciary Chairman Sadegh Larijani. His help advocate says that external pressure and support from gov'ts from Europe and America will help catalyze this process. He asks if we can all spread the word. Please.
Read Here for more information.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Obama, You Are Not Kobe.
Are you serious? I appreciate you thriving on the notion that "anything helps" but at some time you have to stop teasing the unemployed. After all, the reason you exposited that mini speech was in response to the loss of Census jobs (another teaser). Our unemployment rate is back to where it was last November. True enough we are on a slow track to recovery but on the track that we are traveling, we are soon to become a completely govt employed country. Through these broadband internet expansion projects, you will create more jobs that are not only temporary ad govt owned. Why not pass the ball, Kobe, and invest in companies to privately hire people to work on these projects? Just because Kobe got a ring by leading his team off an air of selfishness doesn't mean the govt can do the same thing.
Teach Me to Teleport
I'm reminded of a time where my mom almost died in my arms. This day, to no surprise, was the day I understood my role as the self acclaimed "man of the house". I was quickly endowed with duties no 16 year old should have to take up. I remember I looking deep into her eyes only to see her soul absent from within. Her head hung low with no strength or energy to raise it herself. Suddenly, my little brother bursts into tears and inadvertently exacerbates the situation. As bad as I wanted to join him , I abstained; fore it was up to me to save my mother's life.
Boondocks Episode Banned
Thursday, July 01, 2010
What I find is a weird shadow of my grandmothers "decorative masterpiece". It's saturated in the window's reverberation of the street light yet housed by the uncanny shape of the window. Happily I smile, fore my inspiration has just come! But sadly that was short lived....