Friday, June 26, 2009
Can you handle the big question?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

......Thanks to Cornel West to bringing this word to my attention.
......Thanks to Brittanica and Dictionary.com for offering the necessary tools for my erudition
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Balance of Love.
Love is a balance beam....
A balance beam with time on one side.....
And affection on another side....

Have you ever noticed that when you meet someone thats really affectionate you are quick to tell them you love them faster than you would if you met someone thats less affectionate? That's becuase your mind and body is slowly becomes programmed to touching that person, holding that person, and just being up under that person's nose. Once you've been programmed enough . . .not being with that person and makes you miss thier affection and subsequently makes your mind reminisce on the "good times.".... furthermore while thinking of that person all the time makes you miss thier affection and makes your mind saturated with the thought of thier presense...therefore..it engenders a feeling and constitutes your mind process to rationalize your bond between each other......and you come to the conclusion that your in "LOVE".
So I leave you on this note. . . If you are the clingy type...youre going to have alot of experience with "love" and thus learn alot about it from experience. BUT...that isnt the best way to find out if someone is right for you. You should take the time to see how that person challenges your intellect and how you two cope on a mental level...before you get seriously,physically affectionate. If you want to know how long it might take for someone to tell you that they love you....take into account how intimate your relationship is.
-----> This This has been a Sir Shakespear PSA
.......dont know who is Sir Shakespear is??...Check Dis
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Okay so here is the run down....Me and my boss went out to eat at Red Lobster (her treat). We began talking about politics and the Genarlo Wilson Case. Thats when I found out that ORAL SEX IS ILLEGAL!!! WTF!!! lol...dont record your sex acts...especially if the girl has a baby face or gives you head...if they catch it....Ur ASS IS GRASS!!!
On another note.....how da hell are are porn stars making a living then. Like do you have to have a license to have sex on tape lol...sign a waiver lol....theres never been a porn ive seen that had regular intercourse without oral sex...C'mon lawmakers...were all porn stars in our right. Lets protest this law.
LETS GO FELLATIO!! LETS GO!! (clap) (clap)
This has been a Bean Boy Public Service Announcement
Monday, June 15, 2009
Bile Boy Bean PSA....REAL SHIT!!

Green – Usually a reaction to something in the diet: either vegetables or food additives. Experts claim that it is not unusual to get a green stool when consuming large quantities of leafy greens such as broccoli or lettuce. Certain foods and beverages include various quantities of green substances meant to make them look more appealing: this is the case with some ice-cream varieties, sherbet or even more sophisticated drinks like absinthe for instance. Even under the circumstances, you should not worry about a green stool unless you experience other symptoms such as diarrhea or other kind of abdominal discomfort.
Black – Usually relate to herbal and mineral supplements that contain iron change the color of the bowel movement turning it dark. Sometimes it could be internal bleeding which could be from bloating and lead to a very foul smell and gas elimination. Black stools usually only come a the first BM you ever have…but if it reoccurs its cool . . . . It’s the chronic occurrence that should inflict a sense of worry and fear.
Yellow - Usually associated with a bile malfunction and the incapacity of the organ to break the nutrients you ingest. The best way to deal with the situation is to turn to an enzymatic treatment in order to bring some balance to the digestion as such. Experts claim that yellow bowel movements can indicate a serious liver dysfunction or even the failure of the organ, which could lead to a rapid deterioration of the health condition or even to death. A severe yeast infection can also lie behind yellow stools and this usually happens when there are not enough beneficial bacteria in your intestines. Typically herbal remedies and medicine, of course, heals this bad boy…but the liver is nothing to play with..you should still seek a doctor’s assistance.
White Specs -White specs in bowel movement is not a condition to worry about; they come and go usually depending on diet and they are common from a very young age to adulthood. Usually reflect you’ve been munching on seeds, corn, rice and other similar stuff .
Clear - A clear bowel movement is what we actually mean by a mucus stool discharge. Considered one of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, this condition is often accompanied by abdominal discomfort and a changed overall health condition. Moreover, the clear stool may alternate with regular bowel movement, or be combined. Some people get a clear bowel movement after eating a certain type of food like too much fat or cheese for instance.
Blue – Fruity Pebbles and Froot loops!!! Im so serious lol….Eat a bunch of it one day…and ull see. Lol ….comment on the post if you do. =)
This has been a Boo Boo Bean Public Service Anouncement lol…REAL SHIT!!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Living above the level of mediocrity
5 steps to striving further
1. Elevate your pursuit
a. What you’re chasing after shouldn’t be the same thing everyone
else is chasing after.
2. Elevate your priority
a. Choose your priorities carefully. Set your mind on what you
want and keep them set.
3. Elevate you pondering
a. “How you think determines who you are.”
b. “As a man thinketh, so is he”
c. Get your mind out the gutter. [literally] Raise your thinking to
correlate with your aspirations not with your current state.
d. Eliminate some your attitudes
4. Eliminate some actions
a. Some of the things you do are hindering you from advancement.
Eliminate them and continue to go further.
5. Mortify your members
a. Destroy some evil innate attributes in your character.
i. Sexual Immorality
ii. Impurity
iii. Lust
iv. Evil Desire
v. Greed
b. Nobody wants something that everyone has….or had.
6. Cultivate
a. You have what it takes to get to your desired destination. Now all
you have to do I polish and cultivate your skills until you reap
the blossom. And when you do reap the blossom . . . sow another
b. The reason many people are still miserable and poor is because
they Pass Over Opportunities Repeatedly.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Unity Speech
May 16, 2009…seven days before emancipation from high school. This service was the “best baccalaureate service” people have ever been to…with the thanks of my fellow counterparts. I was called to do the scripture, but come on,…you knew I was going to spice it up a bit. Before I went up I told my homeboy Peoples, who did the inspiration, that I was going to loosen up the crowd. All he had to do was bring it home. And that’s what we did!
I came out of Joshua 6 :20 …talking about how the Israelites and marched around the walls of Jericho and related it back to unity. I challenged my class to stay connected through hard times because If we do “we too can bring these geographical detriments crumbling down like the walls of Jericho.”
“My message to you class of 09 is to stay one. As we all matriculate into our various institutions and embark on our journeys into our 2nd stage of life. Remember the power of unity. Be your brother’s keeper. Be your sister’s keeper. Remember we are SAINTS forever. Don’t become a stranger and think that you have a new life at your new school. Instead call and check up on someone every now and then. You never know how much that deposit of kindness might help that person joyfully make it rest of their day, week r even semester. SAINTS remember we are one. We are a family but more importantly, WE ARE THE BEST! For if we stick together as we encounter these trails of turmoil, hills of hardship and mountains of mishap- we too can bring them crumbling down like the walls of Jericho.”
Picture This
This has to be my favorite picture ever. Sure enough all Civil Right efforts are greatly appreciated but this speech right here snigga??...this speech right here snigga??...This speech is the root for African American Advancment. To understand why I love this pic so much you would have to watch the speech in its entirety. If you watch the speech when he rose his hand you could hear the magnitude of heartfelt sincerity for his people's advancment in his cry for equality. When he rose his arm that conveyed strength of his morality about the situation ...to get out of "proper etiquette" in front of such a big crowd showed that he could care les about the fame and conventionally accpeted way to handle things...all he wanted was justice. For that every person of every race and color supporting him with a roaring cheer. THIS IS WHY I LOVE THIS PIC.
YOU'RE A JERK!!!.......I know. =)
Like really dog....you should read. [period]
If you think about it reading is a part of everyone’s culture. You cant travel, shop, cook, or even communicate without reading. Do you think the wisest among the wise got to their point of preponderance without reading or studying in some form?
Train to Change
Many people have the desire to change but are either scared to or don’t know how. Well look at it from my perspective. If you’re scared its only because you value you’re your peers opinions too heavily. I’ve learned that peer pressure only minimizes personal priorities. How much it affects those priorities is contingent upon how much you value what they think. Its one think to respect your peers and soak in their opinions but its another thing to allow it to confine you to the status quo. Don’t be afraid to step out of the box (especially if you’re taking a stand for what’s right) and change. On another note, some may not know how to change. The key to change is consciousness. For if you remain aware of what you are trying to change and apply it. . .change is inevitable. Therefore I refer you back to Aristotle. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not a mere act but a habit” Have you ever noticed when you are training a dog to sit, the only thing you can do is give them a signal and repeatedly tell them how to react to it? Sooner or later they catch on, understand the signal and abide by it. The same applies to training yourself. Repetitively teach your body or mind how to react to certain situations and soon you will see your aspiration precede.
What's really good?
~ Socrates
Socrates was implying that a good and evil does exist. That good is knowledge and that evil is ignorance. According to Webster “Knowledge” is a range of information. But what triggers my light bulb is the literary breakdown ignorance. Webster asserts “Ignorance” as a state of being ignorant, which doesn’t help much. But when you dig deeper you’ll notice and acknowledge that ignorance and ignorant have one thing in common, a root word! Whatever they’re meanings are, they were constituted out of the purest form of their existence. “Ignore” means refusal to notice. If you refuse to notice something then you will lack the knowledge it could offer (ignorant) which will subsequently put you in a state of being ignorant (ignorance). My point is this, Socrates was saying that there are many opinions and views on what is good and what is evil, but when you meticulously analyze every situation…it comes down to whether or not the person knew better and applied it or knew better and ignored it.
In religion….the bible states that if you don’t know better, you can’t be punished but if you knew better than you are more than fit to be punished.
“The difference between good and evil can be measured only by two things; one’s integrity but more so their knowledge applicability.”
What mask would you use to hide your true identity?
What super powers you use to promote the safety of your environment?
Or would you try to make an impact at all?
Sure enough a super hero should be glorified for winning a battle or many,
But what if he never stops to consume the magnitude of the crisis in his city?
What if he overlooks the people who make pallets under a bridge every night-oblivious to the fact that there are people who care for them
What if he never takes the time pick up the unnecessary trash that only contributes to the contamination of-his community, nation, nevertheless our world.
What if there were more people like Hosea Williams,
Who took the time to feed our community.
What if there were more people like Hands on Atlanta,
Who took the time to de-weed our community.
What if there were more people like March of Dimes,
Who took the time to better breed our community.
We need more people like the mayor, senator and president,
Who will take the time to stand up and lead our community.
Is it fair that superman can fly
And be glorified
When these people stand for advancement
And be nullified. . .criticized for making the community the prize in their eyes?
Lets disdain the pessimistic doubters
And uplift the optimistic shouters
Lets shut up the advocates for our adversity
And uplift the messengers of our advancement
Lets shoot down the harbingers of our hardship
And lift up the positive voices of our hope
“All too often we accept the distance between the world
As it is and the world as it should be.
We settle for what it is now
Knowing it could be better
Even if it doesn’t reflect our values and aspirations”.
~Kudos to Michelle Obama for the quote. (Democratic Convention 2008)
Have you ever rode in the car with someone and they ride pass the unfortunate standin on the corner just asking for ANY form of spare change and the person you are ridin wit drive off or even worse deliberately lie to them knowing got damn well they have a few pennies in thier ash tray, glove compartment or thier change purse. THAT SHIT AINT FAIR!!!! Every one isnt a pan handler. Put yourself in thier shoes for one moment. . .no support....no help....no love. DAMN. Just think about it next time you see them. Help em out man. . . ."United we stand, Divided we fall" remember?
Be a superhero from a different perspective.Fight for something you believe should be better and it will only drive you to do more when you see change in its manifestation.
Standing ovation to the superheroes fighting for the safety of our nation!
Monday, June 08, 2009
Inquisitive Compassion
So much built up anticipation
Who'da knew, your virginity is what I would be takin
So after heavy consideration
And inevitable contemplation
I can only feel honored
By the decision your making
By sexual and possibly a social hemorrhage...you must know things are gonna change.
The only thing I must ask to remain the same and sustain...is....trust.
True enough-I wanna nut.
But this is devine lust.
Even Mary skipped over it
Becuase inextricable consequences were a must.
So tell me one thing......Are you ready?
. . . . .Cuz i can see that your current thought process is heavy
Your forehead gettin sweaty
Not to mention these nervous vibrations
On your leg are steady
So i must ease tension
First let me mention
That you are special girl
I need you to trust me and listen.
Betrayal is not what I'm here for
I just wanna sustain
Can you promise if break that barrier
That things will remain?
No you cant!
Your mind is gonna wonder
Your friends are gonna instill and ponder
Then you are just gonna add me to the list of dudesThat treated you like a bumper
. . . .. . .just another chick in their "collection" that remain in thier past
To them...you were just another nice cut ass!
But know..Im not him..or them
I understand the value of your innocence
I understand what is gonna happen after we intertwine
....you're gonna become haphazardly attached
But I dont understand one thing......
Why I am willing to put myself through this again?
So let me ask you again.......
Are you ready?
Meet my Crew