Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What's really good?

“The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.”
~ Socrates

Socrates was implying that a good and evil does exist. That good is knowledge and that evil is ignorance. According to Webster “Knowledge” is a range of information. But what triggers my light bulb is the literary breakdown ignorance. Webster asserts “Ignorance” as a state of being ignorant, which doesn’t help much. But when you dig deeper you’ll notice and acknowledge that ignorance and ignorant have one thing in common, a root word! Whatever they’re meanings are, they were constituted out of the purest form of their existence. “Ignore” means refusal to notice. If you refuse to notice something then you will lack the knowledge it could offer (ignorant) which will subsequently put you in a state of being ignorant (ignorance). My point is this, Socrates was saying that there are many opinions and views on what is good and what is evil, but when you meticulously analyze every situation…it comes down to whether or not the person knew better and applied it or knew better and ignored it.

In religion….the bible states that if you don’t know better, you can’t be punished but if you knew better than you are more than fit to be punished.

“The difference between good and evil can be measured only by two things; one’s integrity but more so their knowledge applicability.”

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What you say shawty?