Wednesday, June 10, 2009


If you were a superhero, what cape would you wear?

What mask would you use to hide your true identity?

What super powers you use to promote the safety of your environment?

Or would you try to make an impact at all?

Sure enough a super hero should be glorified for winning a battle or many,

But what if he never stops to consume the magnitude of the crisis in his city?

What if he overlooks the people who make pallets under a bridge every night-oblivious to the fact that there are people who care for them

What if he never takes the time pick up the unnecessary trash that only contributes to the contamination of-his community, nation, nevertheless our world.

What if there were more people like Hosea Williams,

Who took the time to feed our community.

What if there were more people like Hands on Atlanta,

Who took the time to de-weed our community.

What if there were more people like March of Dimes,

Who took the time to better breed our community.

We need more people like the mayor, senator and president,

Who will take the time to stand up and lead our community.

Is it fair that superman can fly

And be glorified

When these people stand for advancement

And be nullified. . .criticized for making the community the prize in their eyes?

Lets disdain the pessimistic doubters

And uplift the optimistic shouters

Lets shut up the advocates for our adversity

And uplift the messengers of our advancement

Lets shoot down the harbingers of our hardship

And lift up the positive voices of our hope

“All too often we accept the distance between the world
As it is and the world as it should be.
We settle for what it is now
Knowing it could be better
Even if it doesn’t reflect our values and aspirations”.

~Kudos to Michelle Obama for the quote. (Democratic Convention 2008)

Have you ever rode in the car with someone and they ride pass the unfortunate standin on the corner just asking for ANY form of spare change and the person you are ridin wit drive off or even worse deliberately lie to them knowing got damn well they have a few pennies in thier ash tray, glove compartment or thier change purse. THAT SHIT AINT FAIR!!!! Every one isnt a pan handler. Put yourself in thier shoes for one moment. . .no love. DAMN. Just think about it next time you see them. Help em out man. . . ."United we stand, Divided we fall" remember?

Be a superhero from a different perspective.Fight for something you believe should be better and it will only drive you to do more when you see change in its manifestation.

Standing ovation to the superheroes fighting for the safety of our nation!

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What you say shawty?