Friday, June 19, 2009

The Balance of Love.


Love is a balance beam....

A balance beam with time on one side.....

And affection on another side....

Have you ever noticed that when you meet someone thats really affectionate you are quick to tell them you love them faster than you would if you met someone thats less affectionate? That's becuase your mind and body is slowly becomes programmed to touching that person, holding that person, and just being up under that person's nose. Once you've been programmed enough . . .not being with that person and makes you miss thier affection and subsequently makes your mind reminisce on the "good times.".... furthermore while thinking of that person all the time makes you miss thier affection and makes your mind saturated with the thought of thier engenders a feeling and constitutes your mind process to rationalize your bond between each other......and you come to the conclusion that your in "LOVE".

So I leave you on this note. . . If you are the clingy type...youre going to have alot of experience with "love" and thus learn alot about it from experience. BUT...that isnt the best way to find out if someone is right for you. You should take the time to see how that person challenges your intellect and how you two cope on a mental level...before you get seriously,physically affectionate. If you want to know how long it might take for someone to tell you that they love you....take into account how intimate your relationship is.

-----> This This has been a Sir Shakespear PSA

.......dont know who is Sir Shakespear is??...Check Dis

1 ppl talkin' to me:

Bunmi said...

Total Cliche that I'm commenting on the Love piece
But it spoke to me
It's true what you said about the clingy type
Loves become a physical thing, common hype
I agree that relationships should be more
Then you'll have more to look 4ward to explore

(read out loud)


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What you say shawty?