Monday, June 15, 2009

Bile Boy Bean PSA....REAL SHIT!!

[grunt]... =0 ..(ploop)… “aaaahhhh”….. “WTF!!??”…Has this ever been you? Most discolorations of your Bowel Movements are normal…but some ARE deadly. We might wipe our asses see a new color and say “ooooo”…as in (YAY!! A new color. I was tired of boring brown) or “ooooo” (its time to give Doctor Op a call)…We do this repeatedly without giving any type of consideration to the causes of these affects. Well….here have it broken down for you.

Green – Usually a reaction to something in the diet: either vegetables or food additives. Experts claim that it is not unusual to get a green stool when consuming large quantities of leafy greens such as broccoli or lettuce. Certain foods and beverages include various quantities of green substances meant to make them look more appealing: this is the case with some ice-cream varieties, sherbet or even more sophisticated drinks like absinthe for instance. Even under the circumstances, you should not worry about a green stool unless you experience other symptoms such as diarrhea or other kind of abdominal discomfort.

Black – Usually relate to herbal and mineral supplements that contain iron change the color of the bowel movement turning it dark. Sometimes it could be internal bleeding which could be from bloating and lead to a very foul smell and gas elimination. Black stools usually only come a the first BM you ever have…but if it reoccurs its cool . . . . It’s the chronic occurrence that should inflict a sense of worry and fear.

Orange- Diet pills and certain mineral oils count orange stools among their common side effects. Many people following various homeopathic and herbal treatments have reported the presence of an oily orange substance in their stools. This is just fat that getting eliminated under the form of an orange bowel movement, which basically reflects the lack of bile salt in your digestion process. This reflects a bile deficiency; this would imply the incapacity of the bile secretion to transform the nutrients and can lead to the “Yellow Stage” of defecation discoloration. Moreover, the causes behind such a dysfunction can lead to a range from gallstones to irritable bowel syndrome and even cancer.

Yellow - Usually associated with a bile malfunction and the incapacity of the organ to break the nutrients you ingest. The best way to deal with the situation is to turn to an enzymatic treatment in order to bring some balance to the digestion as such. Experts claim that yellow bowel movements can indicate a serious liver dysfunction or even the failure of the organ, which could lead to a rapid deterioration of the health condition or even to death. A severe yeast infection can also lie behind yellow stools and this usually happens when there are not enough beneficial bacteria in your intestines. Typically herbal remedies and medicine, of course, heals this bad boy…but the liver is nothing to play should still seek a doctor’s assistance.

White Specs -White specs in bowel movement is not a condition to worry about; they come and go usually depending on diet and they are common from a very young age to adulthood. Usually reflect you’ve been munching on seeds, corn, rice and other similar stuff .

Clear - A clear bowel movement is what we actually mean by a mucus stool discharge. Considered one of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, this condition is often accompanied by abdominal discomfort and a changed overall health condition. Moreover, the clear stool may alternate with regular bowel movement, or be combined. Some people get a clear bowel movement after eating a certain type of food like too much fat or cheese for instance.

Blue – Fruity Pebbles and Froot loops!!! Im so serious lol….Eat a bunch of it one day…and ull see. Lol ….comment on the post if you do. =)

This has been a Boo Boo Bean Public Service Anouncement lol…REAL SHIT!!!

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