Friday, October 02, 2009

The Statue of Liberty should flip us off!

The reflection theory simply says that the media doesn't put producers imaginations on the screen or through the channels, it reflects what is already in society to an exacerbated level. In sociology class we were watching this movie called Bowling for Columbine. Usually I would give you a brief synopsis of the movie and its meaning but I'm not going to do that in this case...I want to give you, the reader, a charge to watch the movie yourself.

What I realize is yes the media has power. More in depth, the cool people or instruments in media have more power because people don't buy into what they need. People strive to buy what they want; a social satisfaction of being accepted. In doing so the cool people often times exploit the problems in our society rather than the solution. In the movie it uses the example of Merilyn Manson. They were in the height of their tour and were scheduled to do a few concerts around the Detroit and Littleton areas of Michigan. Being only a few days after the "Columbine", the citizens protested the rock group. They blamed them and music artists like them for being the reason behind the calamities that occur so frequently in America's society.

I differ. If they were to do something of that sort, why don't they outcast all media as a whole then. The news only shows murders, mishaps or political misfires. The radio stations only exploit the shortcomings of the political realm and the musical arena. The TV habitually shows what people are interested in, to sell, rather than to tell them what they need, to help. In the movie he interviewed the producer of cops and asked him to make a movie based on the causes of the crimes rather than exploiting the criminals. The producer simply replied " No...its too hard...It wont sell" Shameful is what Id say. Shameful because he is too cynical to consider the betterment of his society.

I am functional theorist, meaning that I consider everything in society to contribute into the main function of society. WE all contribute to society whether its attentive or not. With that I find it hard to accept the conventional key to success in America. Key= Find out how things work they way they do, then manipulate it to benefit your self.

The media knows that people know right from wrong. They know where to go for more advice on how to better the sociological state that we are in. So instead of fine tuning that advice and offering more...they exploit the problems that's going on. (How do so many people hate Karl Marx...cause he was spitting the truth??) They know that society is nosy. People want to know about the life they don't live. They want to know what they are missing out on rather than fixing what is hurting us as a whole. . . .I'm sicking of building up. fuck's my point.

. . .The statistics show that America has more murders than any other Continent. The total consensus of murders of the world doesn't beat America by too much. ...That's HORRIBLE...Its ironic because most other societies play on violence more than we do.So whats the difference?...It lies in the discrepancy of our motives. America sells what people want rather than what they need. They sell the problem immensely more than the solution whereas foreign societies either have a balance of the two, or sell the latter one more than the first. The statue of liberty should throw up a middle finger...cause America is fucking its citizens over. So may I ask, what are your motives behind your next big move?...and if its cynical, thank you for proving my point.

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What you say shawty?