Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Externally, it seems to be a cool, innocuous lady-getter. Heretically the internal perspective is much different than that. When you actually join the team, much comes with it. Pain with sacrifice on top of extreme patience seems to be the recipe for the external reward. So with one knowing this, I must ask: Why does one still participate in strolling?

See the fact of the matter is blatantly apparent. Those engaged in strolling originally have the intent to gain social respect, establish a sense of of belonging or gain a few more females. They prize these goals so high that they're willing to waste at least four hours a day and put thier thier body through excrutiating pain to attain them. Whilst doing so, over time these "strollers" gain a sense of pride and brotherhood from all the painful, time-consuming practices. Once the aura of unity is amongst them, strolling is no more driven by implied intentions. Strolling is now an avocation driven by pride.

4 ppl talkin' to me:

khalfani℠ said...

i have thoughts on this i can't really share until a later date .
but i agree sir ,
why is it only the ladies you are showing though ?

'Kalos' said...

I got tired of searching for videos and this was the only one that stuck out to me in the searches

khalfani℠ said...

ok cool , well . . . they are fly nonetheless .
is it true that each of morehouses dorms has a stroll ? whats up with that ?

'Kalos' said...

Yurp! I'm actually the "ace" on one of em.. Samuel T. Graves Hall....Thats why I made this post bro lol...it get crazy up here with this strolling competition sometimes man...they treat it like Greek Life.

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What you say shawty?