Monday, October 12, 2009

Why are we sustaning a patriarchal society?

Early (Hence Early) Egyptian societies along the Nile Valley used men to do the hunting and women to take care of household manners and cultivate crops. Early Roman societies had "Paterfamilias", families led by the eldest male in their family. Early America didn't allow women to express their importance until the world war. We've done many things as a nation to create an "equal" society and we've made much progress but am I only the only one who has noticed that WE, the citizens of America, are underhandedly sustaining a patriarchal society. I've been taught growing up to strive to be the "man of the house"...extremely similar to a Roman Patresfamilias. My grandmother knows my grandfather is cheating on her but she refuses to stand up for her self because the bible says to remain submissive to your disrespect...bullshit.

I asked one of my Good Friends, Taylor Pettaway in a recent dialogue to define black female sexuality. I told her that black male sexuality is violence. The more violent you are the more of a man you are. Most black men cant express themselves through words so they seek to show how much of a man they are through violence. So i asked her what would she hypothesize black female sexuality is. She responded with two main points:

Black females are:
  1. Considerate- They make sure all their responsibilities are handled and consider others before they consider themselves most times.
  2. Embody masked submissiveness - With trying to make sure everyone else is straight, they tend to forget about themselves to please others.
With this I find a problem....When are the women going to be a bit more cynical and take thier equality? They have in the public eye...but when are they going to take this cynicism to their households and relationships? When are they going to show the men that its okay not to be the leader of a family (although the women usually are)? When are my ladies going to express their importance?! Stop settling for the bullshit tradition is feeding you!! The ONLY arena you guys will probably remain inferior in is physical strength (because its unattractive to be otherwise lol-but that can change too!) Hilary Clinton, Michele Obama, and Oprah Winfrey are doing it at home....When will you? I wanna see change ladies... prove my post to be specious. Please...stand up and eradicate this furtively patriarchal society.

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What you say shawty?