Early Tuesday morning on June 29, 2010 a lighting bolt stuck the 2500 yr old ancient Parthenon (built to make a statement of strength but turnt into a temple over time), which housed Athena (the Goddess of Heroic Endeavor).
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Russian Spies Caught
Extended Gun Rights
Recently the Supreme Court extended gun rights to local and state laws. Take a peek.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
BET Awards
The 2010 BET Awards was definitelya success. There were many remarkable performances but Chris Brown's genuinely heartfelt performance won me over. In case you missed it, enjoy below.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Travis Porter - Sunshine on Me -- Go or Blow?
Traviiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Go or Blow?
but this is hilarious.... enjoy!
but this is hilarious.... enjoy!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Intelligence... yeah sure.
Intelligence: the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge, the faculty of thought and reason, and/or superior powers of mind (1). So who is really "intelligent"? Often times we think of intelligence with a correlation to maturation. We think of some one who is intelligent as one who has traveled the journey to higher learning. What I've noticed is that there is no destination to this journey.
Death Did Us Part... There's Good In It, However

"Ya know, son, a lot of times we don't show appreciation for the one's we care for until it's too late" a stranger/relative told me at my granddaddy's funeral. I replied acquiescently while I allowed that thought to marinate my my thoughts. Now, three years later, that saying reverberates uncontrollably in my head. Last night I received news that I lost a good friend of mine, Khalifah Muhammad, due to a car accident in which his brother passed as well. This news followed the news I received three days earlier that my Spelman sister, Tiana "Tink" Kindred, passed the same way.

Amid all my reminiscing, I questioned the creator. Why would he do this? Why now? Is there a message for me in this? How could I possibly be more personable when I can't predict the longevity of one's existence in my life?
Questions racing across my head, I paused to deeply to delve deeper into the penultimate question.
These were two very positive --and fun to be around-- individuals. They passed, to me of course, to serve as an example to their peers. Nowadays, teens drive recklessness; I know I do. I'm gonna take this as a message to drive safer and show deeper appreciation to my inner circle. If you knew these two, I hope you can find a message in this as well.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Jessica Revealed...
Dark skin, radiant complexion, welcoming smile, seemingly elusive hair, and make up to accentuate the dimples that compliment her smile. She dresses in the finest of luxuries and unintentionally demands the spotlight in any setting, only because she has to. See Jessica’s pride is driven by the unspoken confirmations of positive perceptions people have of her. For that reason, she is very skeptical about what she allows to be associated with her name and even iffier about who’s to get close to her.
Gen. David Patraeus Replaces McCrystal
Just in:General David Patraeus will replace General Stanley A. McCrystal as the Commander over the Afganistan War.
Obama V. McCrystal = Pivotal Moment in War?
If you aren't already aware, the latest controversial news is centered around President Obama (not suprising) and General McCrystal. Seemingly, the newly promoted general states his private opinions of Obama and his administration unabatedly in a soon-to-be-published interview with Rolling Stones. McCrystal even stands by his top corresponding officers took part in this fulmination. they all made remarks that insulted Obama's ability to be tough (physically tough), the White House's intellect and even some official's existence. General McCrystal is set to meet with President Obama today before Obama addresses the public in an update on the war. Read more about it here.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
What is "Cool"?
What is it about the pursuit of popularity that makes it such an intricate, frustrating and hopeless journey? Is it a lack of swag? Lack of true friends? Lack of sex? It seems as if you can never have the right amount of --[insert whatever you’re lacking]-- to satisfy your social needs. Like, popularity cannot be attained solely by being you. People have to actually like you! Many seem to sacrifice who they really are to adapt to the interests of others. They fear that being too different will only backfire on them. After all, deviation from the norm does only results in ridicule (Quote Me). Ironically, to thrive within the corridors of coolness one must have that distinguishing factor that will sustain his or her membership amongst the coolness elites. So with all this said sacrificing, are you telling me that a small sense of uniqueness is still needed? Damn skippy.
NOT digging Thank Us Later
It’s the southerner in me that says “a rap song isn't a rap song until the bass is knocking”. I cant really get jiggy to Drakes new mix-tape because all his songs are sad and predictable.
Tay Peezy!! lmao
So, not too long ago I went to the Varsity with my friend Tay Peezy. We chopped it up about a bunch of randoms and started doing random things like vandalizing the resturaunts property with the resturaunts property. lol It started with a nice picture emoticon in which we decided to name him Ed.
Then Tay decided it would be smart if Ed could walk. So we gave him legs. I figured Ed was waaaaaaaay flier than what we drew him up to be. So what could give Ed the trajectory trait better than balloons
Now he was ready for take off.... Let's name this flight now
...But before we could finish....
Monday, June 21, 2010
Remington Rochelle Wiley = Ms. Ebony Mag
Since mid- August 2009 I have pegged this woman as the prototype of my wife. Remington Rochelle Wiley, Miss Morehouse 2009-2010, has a an air of elegance that pervades throughout all communities and a sense of silly humility that reverberates in all her actions. Her heart is as big as the crowd of followers who support her initiatives. This woman is phenomenal!Now, my queen is up for the cover of Ebony Magazine. CLICK HERE TO VOTE
Ricie Robinson is on the RISE
Ricie Robinson is on the rise... Check the homie out at [ http://refugee18.blogspot.com/]
Friday, June 18, 2010
Twit Me or Lick Me!! --> @Kalos3
I used to say very bad things about Twitter. I apologize you beautiful sky blue birdie. As a matter of fact, you are granted an all access pass to COME FUCK WIT MY TEAM!! #TeamKalos lmao!!!
@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3@Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3 @Kalos3....Got the point yet???
It's a Photo Shoot
Got an event coming up? Need a new profile pic? How 'bout a reason to twitpic? Colin G. Taylor is the man with the cam. Check out his photos and hit him up ...here.
Blogger Spotlight: KingPellyoSo
Toots to the homie! Something about this girl has always kept me interested, always on my toes, and damn near falling off the edge of my seat. Her style reminds me MIA but her character reminds me of weird twist between Gandhi, Bob Marley, and Buddha. She puts her creativity and uniqueness in her poems, clothing line, and blog. Check out the Shapel Show...
Help: FedEx Alert
My friend from FedEx needs your help! Here's what she emailed me:
I also wanted to catch up with you to get your opinion on a matter. FedEx will serve as a sponsor of the United Negro College Fund’s City Empower Me Tour in Minneapolis this summer. It will be a two-day event attended by app. 15,000 high school and elementary students, and their parents. As a sponsor, FedEx will have a 30 x 30 booth and our coordinator has been asked to identify an activity to take place within our booth space. Their choices are the Guitar Hero display, a putt-putt golf game, and a Build-A-Bear activity (which will mainly attract younger kids and their parents). The coordinator is particularly interested in Guitar Hero, however, she’s concerned that the playlist (which cannot be changed) may not be the best genre for a young, predominantly African-American crowd. I’ve attached the playlist for your thoughts. As a college student, would this activity appeal to you and your friends? If not, what activities have you witnessed that work particularly well for African-American teens?
Many thanks for your insights – which are always great!!!
All the best,
What would you do?
Lakers Win!
Congrats Lakers! I was a bit surprised they pulled it off last night because Boston was in their ass most of the second half. Check out Ron Artest's post interview...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Teasers Must Follow Through!
Nothing eats me up more than a tease that doesn't follow through. You know, the inexperienced girl who wants to portray the skillfulness of a sexual beast; the one that hopes to gain the same attention, without doing the same work!
Was He Wrong?
Recently, controversy has arose within the Seattle city limits. An officer, firstly, arrested a female wrongly then continued on to punched her cousin in the face with no remorse. Many people are weighing in on this situation and saying that he was out of line, twice: he should be arrested himself. However Seattle's Police Dept. only gives this officer "extra training". Do you think he was out of line? Was his punishment unjust? What should his punishment have been?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
BP Coffee Spill
Who's been keeping up with the Deep Water Oil Spill? Well, It's quite humorous to see how the companies, along with the gov't, have acted on the situation. UCBComedy.com has created this hilarious comedy sketch to illustrate what BP would do if coffee was spilled during a meeting. Enjoy.
Just Don't Speak!
You know what's the awkwardest thing? When you attempt to be cordial while the other person is concurrently doing the same thing. Scenario: I'm walking down Brown St. and see this individual I have never seen. This how our conversation goes.
Blogger Spotlight(s)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Did you know the "Rosie" was deadly?
Excuse my ignorance if I may be a little late but did you know that the lovely melody "Ring around the Rosy" is pertinent to the Bubonic Plague of 1665?
"Ring around the Rosy" refers to the rosy red rash that formed a ring shape on the victims' skins while "Ashes Ashes" referred to the cremation of their bodies after death. James Leasor made this connection in his book The Plague and the Fire (1961).
"Ring around the Rosy" refers to the rosy red rash that formed a ring shape on the victims' skins while "Ashes Ashes" referred to the cremation of their bodies after death. James Leasor made this connection in his book The Plague and the Fire (1961).
They Started as Men
As we all know, Japanese geisha are women whose primary responsibility is to entertain men. The word geisha means "art people" or "art doer" and seemingly so, each geisha strives to perfect their everyday actions in an effort to be perfect. They walk on clouds, talk with seductive confidence, dress in utter exquisiteness, and gain unwavering attention in any setting. Although they play the most non-subservient role for women in Japan, they still have the, sometimes, arduous task of pleasing men. This entails dancing, singing, and, sometimes, sexual favors. Will it ever be known to anyone but the geisha and her mate? Negative; the value of a geisha is measured by her ability to remain trustworthy--along with her beauty. Yet research has proven that the first Japanese geisha were men.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Back in Action Homie
Summer pushed me into a new level of comfort; an area where skies are the safe haven, money is never an issue, academic and professinal preparation should be ignored and fun is to be maximized. Amid this nonchalance I found myself losing who I was. I was no longer organized, goal oriented or hungry for advancement. Thankfully, I caught myself before I got too deep into the summer--nevertheless my phantasm. Im proud to announce that I am back in action. Thank you for your support and I will be posting new accomplishments as they come. Enjoy.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Won't Be Hopping on This Bandwagon
As you are aware, these past few days I have been in the midst of the most prominent black individuals throughout America (and possibly the world). They have been sharing all of their insights that are compelling me to rise above all detriments, stereotypes and, of course, the white population. I can do nothing but respect their aversion because I refuse to internalize it.
I Have a Question
Call me weird. Call me crazy. Call me Jeff. I’ve surveyed a couple of my friends with this question and from the responses, I am the lone wolf. I decided to appeal to a larger mass to see if the responses would support or nullify their responses.
George Fraser's Power Networking Conference
This year I’ve had the pleasure to serve as a host –by way of United Brothers of America—of the Power Networking Conference 2010. Seven years ago George Fraser, networking Guru, started this conference with hopes to give African Americans the environment to create alliances that would strengthen their businesses and sustain their communities. He has definitely succeeded. The set up is very similar to the Ted.com conferences. One of the presentations that really compelled me to do my part was one given by Dr. Chike Akua. Essentially he reiterated the teachings of MisEducation of a Negro and innovated ways to teach black kids their history with a curriculum. Further into his presentation he stressed the need for blacks to support each other; with that, check out this site:
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Kalos Descartes?
Earlier in the year my homie Brooke Bowman put me on Rene Descartes. She threw Discourse on the Method at me and I fell in love. As I’ve done more reading on Descartes I’ve realized just how parallel his anomalies are to my epiphanies. In case you didn’t know, Rene Descartes felt that everyone should use their own heads more. He encouraged individuals to use their own reasoning in pursuit of the unabated truth rather than taking the mental framework society or their cultural capital has provided them. He wanted more people to strip themselves of their past beliefs in order to reason towards a new value system and deeper truths. If reincarnation is true, I must be the product of Rene Descartes.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Blogger Spotlight
Hopeless Romantic. Hopeful Writer. The boy's got something dope going on here! Check him out at http://astoldbyking.blogspot.com/.
Today as I checked out Zeitgeist of the Sabotuer Academia, a dope blog, I came across this term on his sidebar. I inquired and sought to think it through on my own; I couldn't. Then I calledon my trusty Dictionary.com to help me out; It couldn't. So I Googled it of course and Urban Dictionary had a rather elaborate explanation of this term. Pessoptimism is the philosophy that most persevering realist exemplify. My grandaddy told me " I gotta keep on keeping on." Meaning that shit is indubitably going to happen but I must ovecome them. For Booker T. Washington corroborated saying "success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome." Let it marinate....
Pessoptimism- A philosophy that encourages forward-thinking optimism with an educated acceptance of a basic level of pessimism.
Aw, he didn't did he...
You can say that Jeff lives his life to disprove stereotypes and the things alike. I observe, acknowledge the norm and purposefully embrace aberration; in fact, it's become second nature now. However when I see things like this, I wonder if I should be embracing disparity. Bill O'Reily really insulted Marc Lamont Hill, Professor at Columbia University, without consideration of this man's accomplishments. Take a peak.
Courtesy of Zek J Evets
Criminal Probe? FOR WHAT?!?!
Federal authorities announced that they are putting BP PLC, Transocean Ltd. and Halliburton Co. under deeper scrutiny. The announcement of this criminal probe, in my opinion, is to finally make one of these companies the scapegoat of this situation. Giving the press the privaledge to correctly point the finger wont help a damn thing outside of these media companies' revenue. In fact it'll exacerbate the situation. Of course these businsses played a large role in this environmental catastrophie due to their neglection to fully heed to thier responsibilities; but sometimes shit just happens; and in this case, this "shit" wouldn't have happened if the gov't would have fully heeded to THEIR responisibilities. So who's really to blame? The gov't should focus more a resolution more than a scapegoat.