I hate your freakin guts. You are the scum between my toes. You make me vomit.
~Love Alfalfa

. . . maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan twitter is nothing. All this hype about it on 106 and park and amongst my social group for what???? Its the most pointless, confusing, and frustrating thing ever. The way you guys talked about it I thought it was gonna put an end to facebook.....not! Whats the point in reading a bunch of statuses all day?? I might as well pick up a book or something. If all you guys were complaining about all this massive reading we had to do during the semester, why the hell would you sit in front of ur cpu doing the same thing--> only pointless this time. I guess I just may not be like everyone else cause this is a trend I dont plan to follow right now. Ill just keep my account active in case they add better features or something.
I'll tell you what is cool though...Google Wave...when it actually comes out yall will find it very useful =)
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What you say shawty?