Wednesday, February 03, 2010

"You love me irregreattably despite my infidelity.."

Question: Will cheating ever be permissable?

We all know much of the America has been influenced by the media and what media promulgates. It seems as if the media has been having a deep affect on the morals, thoughts, and habits of the American people--especially the youth. Lately Tiger Woods showed his true colors of infidelity, Shaq exploited his masqueareded duplicity, and now John Edwards showed he truly has no heart--just a dick. Not to mention the music we have been listening to --esp the songs on the radio-- have had a disproportionate balance between songs that promote fair relations and songs that promote cynical infidelity. So with all these "examples" parading around the vulnerable eyes of the specators...will the dominant culture's next pervasive moral be to be cynical, heartless, and content with a desire to be infedlic?

1 ppl talkin' to me:

JStar said...

This is sooo true...I have been thinking the same thing...

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What you say shawty?