Monday, August 31, 2009
Juicy Fruit or Winterfresh
Every time I take a test , I MUST HAVE A PEPPERMINT!! I never knew what it was...but recently I decided to do a bit of research on it. Your sense of smell and taste are closely associated. Peppermints stimulate both of those senses effectively. They keep you alert, awake, and alive! . . . not to mention they make your breath smell new again. =D....According to this site perppermints are good for confusion along with other ingredients. It list a butt load of other things that stimulate different emotions. Aromatherapy is cool.....
"Violence is the language of the inarticulate"
Last Friday was the first official session of my English class. My professor is rather insightful. While lecturing, he started to ramble about how men in most cases cant express themselves. If they can, most times they dont think they are doing so while maintaining their masculinity. This makes them not use their voice alot of times with fear of being stereotyped to a sexual preference that isnt conventionally accepted. He then went on to say that now-a-days it seems like "Violence is the language of the inarticulate" right?....In a society where "Bitch" is the common word to addressing a female and "Dawg" (derived from jail also, reffering to the position a male is in when he is "owned by another inmate) and "Nigga" is the common way to addressing a male, I think the least we can do is become effectively loquacious. Its sad when we say "hell yeah" all the time instaed of saying "I agree". Its sad when you have to repetively use "Um" and "like" when explaining yourselves....I think we need to step up. Communication is key for a lot of things but violence, ignorance, and even inarticulation doesnt solve a thing. Lets step it up guys.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Morehouse ' experience like no other.
The American Dream is a hallucination...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Im Sorry Blog World.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Good times wit Good Dudes...
Fatherhood....what a beauty
A couple weekends ago I attended the best sale in the world. Wish's Warehouse sale. They had shoes usually priced for $100-$150, in the range of $20-$40. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-!....But while in the line, I noticed something a little more heart warming. A baby daddy...being a father. That warms my heart to see that there are men out there willing to raise their children. Our society is moral hemorrage becuase of the lack of parenthood in my generation. Seeing this gives me hope....Hope that "change will come"....Its a beauty to be a father, dont waste your opportunity fellas.
Want a Bangin Butt?
MY family is full of females I mean FULL. Besides my younger brother, younger cousins (3) and uncles (3), we have 57+ women to deal with all the time. At family get-to-gethers, a constant topic I hear is...Booty. Mine is bigger than yours and you need some more back there. You need to at this and you need to eat that. Im not even a fan of ass when judging a girl but this is starting to get to me. They say Bread is the panacea to world of Butt enlargemnt, so I went to research it and found this:
- Proteins. This consists of eating foods like chicken breast, turkey, lean beef, fish, soy protein, protein drinks, and other lean meats. You should consume a good amount of protein if you want to make your butt bigger
- Complex carbs. This is another food that will make only your butt bigger. Some of the complex carbs that you should eat are sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pastas, brown rice, and oatmeal just to name a few. These carbs will help keep you lean and help you get a bigger booty.
- Fruits and veggies. Eating fruits and veggies will also help make only your butt bigger. Make sure you eat plenty of them. A few that you should definitely eat are apples, bananas, salads, broccoli, and green beans
Male Homosexual Sex...the pleasure they find.
I mentioned in my older posts, that no tid bit of wisdom is pointless. The key to wisdom is curiosity. So I find myself asking how do Homosexual Men get off on Homosexual Sex?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
An Ubiquitous Understanding of Urine
Firstly, I apologize guys for the delay bteween my posts. My mind just hasnt been working how it usually has does these past few days. Ironically my face hasnt either. I was sitting in the car with Mama Bear and she stared at me for a few mins (weirdo) and finally exclaimed " Your face is horendous!"....aww thanks ma....seeing as though I dont give 3 fucks and a hell yeah about my skin lol.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Its almost official!
- Maintain a 3.7 or higher.
- Get involved heavily with Student Government.
- Inscrease my cmmunity service hours.
- Join a Fraternity
- Seek a mentor.
- Publish my book.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
America I Am Exhibit
- Afro-Spaniards conquested the world in the 100s also. Spain had African decents in thier country that would explore the world with the Spaniards. Never did I know that A black may have been one of the first 10 people to touch foot on this country.
- 16 million Africans were victimized to work as slaves, 4 million died in the transition, and 12.5 million endured crazy labor in for the Europeans.
- In order to compensate slaves in terms of monetary reparations for the free labor and on the job injuries, It would cost about 19 billion dollars each.
- Abraham Lincoln didnt fully oppose slavery. He stated in a few of his documents that if he could have saved the Union without erradicating slavery...he would.
- Four of the first five Presidents were slaveowners from Virginia. Their wealth as based of the production and circulation of tobacco.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Leadership is key....this book is essential!
21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership is a must have, must read, must live by. This book breaks down leadership on so many levels, perspectives and aspects of life. "Everything rises and falls on leadership." If you are or plan to be CEO , Pastor, Politician, Musician, Manager, or even a neighborhood Dope Boy, this book is for you. Know that these arent specious suggestions offered from a notorious speaker, these actually work! ive noticed quite a few of them in just day to day living. I highly reccomend this book to everyone!
Saturday, August 08, 2009
So im writing a book...and I need your opinion
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Are you an ignorant believer?
First off, allow me to inform you that I am not an agnostic, nor an Atheist. I have been going to church on consecutive sundays since i was born. Thats at least (52x17)=[884] sundays. I have noticed a couple things. The whole christian aura in church seems a bit like a rap concert. The Preacher goes "blahdy blah blah!". The assistant preacher (or whos ever in the pulpit)goes "You betta preach boy!". Then the crowd feeds off it and responds with "Awright!", "Amen!", "Preach Preacher!" or probably take off and do a few laps. If the preacher feels like he's still not giving them what they are paying for, he'll attempt to get them to interact more by saying stuff like "yall aint hearing me", yall aint sayin nothing" , or something quite innovative like " Stop.Rewind. Now play it again"......Its just the same as a Young Money concert.
Monday, August 03, 2009
This needs to be addressed.....
If I come up to you friendly, Just to converse...that doesn’t mean I have an objective. It’s called networking. I have come to the conclusion a long time ago that I'm not chasing females anymore...if they want something from me, they’ll come to me. I dent waste my time "posting" (I’ll come back to that) outside of clubs in attempt to take you home. I’ll leave it to the low life losers who don’t know that that’s not attractive to a girl. It’s actually kind of intimidating. . . .I am a friendly guy...nothing more...nothing less. If I think your cool, I will ignite a conversation with you. You should feel flattered that I seek to find a new friendship in you rather than being judgmental about my motives. You don’t know me....yet. Therefore it wouldn’t be fair for you to treat me in such a way while I’m trying to converse with you.
On another note....Don’t tell me my game is whack. Cause to correct you in two ways. (1) I don’t use "Game “cause (2) "game" is for people whose personality is too shallow to sustain your interest in them. Sorry I have to be the first dude to be real with you first off.
On another note....To piggy back on the aforementioned topic above, Im SICK of seeing my brothers posting. Its so fucking stupid! WTF is cool about watching people walk past you. Thats stalker shit!!! Insane ass Eminem type shit! Theres plenty of other things you could be getting done instead of watching me walk past you with my pants pulled up...I betcha couldnt do that. Or maybe Im just taking the wrong perspective on this...Use your "Freedom of speech", Go to my chat box and persuade me otherwise!...(which is unlikely)
On another note...I’m a type of dude who cares less about others' opinions about me...most times. I’ve learned early in high school that when you value your friends opinions too heavily, your subject to do things that doesn’t reflect your values, aspirations, and morals. Therefore I live how I live! I dress how I dress. People say I dress like a fag. That’s Great! That means I’m wearing something you're not...mission accomplished! Fags dress cool, and aren’t saturated by the equestrian "swag" that plagues the wardrobe world right now. (I’ll come back to that) I’m also going to do what satisfies me. My hobbies are my hobbies. So fucking what if I like to:
- Read all the books in Barnes and Noble and leave.
- Write what I read for later references. "To teach once is to learn twice."
- Speak with purpose. I believe that the ideals of 'Paideia' will save this world. And I’m going to indulge myself in it.
- Rap just for fun....battle me bruh!
- Skateboard.......its liberating. So what if that’s not "what black people do"....don’t you think that’s kind of contradicting, seeing that the prevalent theme for coolness in the black community is "Black Boy White Boy Swag".....STFU!
- Run....I’m good at it. And you wouldn’t race me in a 3 mile run if your life depended on it. It’s my work out. A short 30 min run keeps my abs intact and my endurance up......great for your sex game guy!
- Walk around nude. I’m comfortable with how my body looks. I never have on clothes when I’m at home and I have a household of 8...5 of which are girls. I put on boxers for the decency of the kitchen and guests, but besides that...sucka my bawlsa! I’m no Mandingo, but I’m damn sure comfy with what I have my guy. My college roommate is going to hate me....=/
- Dress up. Shows class...get some.
On another note.......What’s up with all you guys and this "Ralph Lauren P-Lo". The style was made for people who want to sustain their class while dressing down. Not people who plan to contradict their wardrobes by oversized shirts and sagged pants. If I dare wear Polo you would understand how much better it looks when it’s worn right. But since I’m a "differenter"...I don’t rock shit like that. My shit go harder than my dick when I’m shaving. Catch up or catch on.
This is to be continued....there’s plenty more to be addressed.
P.S. - I apologized if this lowered the respect that some of you may have of me or changed your perception of me in any way....this is me backstage in the dressing room....please refer to paragraph 4.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Skateboards & Marta Cards
I have been reunited with a past love of mines. Skateboarding. Summer '08 was summer track, Skateboards and Marta Cards. I didnt run summer track this year, butI have been pretty rebellious. And in doing so, my car & driving priveleges have been revoked...but I got hella shit to do! So its back to the Marta Cards and Skateboarding. Plus, Morehouse wont let freshmen drive anyhow. I love my board. And I owe it hella time....its time to skate away...coast.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Headline: Facebook FEIN redeems his life!
Soooooo today I finally came to the conslusion the at Facebook is entirely too time consuming. I could be doing a plethora of things instead of artificial networking. I have established my self socially. Now i sek to establish myself acadmically. I suppose that its going to take time. So I shall diverge from Facebook and converge with other books.
Allow Randy to make you [Randy]
Say the second "Randy" in the voice of Austin Powers. I thought it was pretty funny, considering the situation. lol =)
Before I begin I must tell you the story behind this man's legacy. While watching this video, you would think Randy Pausch sustains his sanity by being a temporary bablatrice. You would think He is just using the microphone to level himself off of a previous sugar rush he had backstage. But oh the contrary, this man has 10 tumors in his liver and only has 5 more months to live. (Well he's actually deceased now - Summer 2008 he passed) He is dying for god sakes! Happily! Who does that? Randy does. He uses the whole theme of attaining your childhood dreams but has an underlying message he is getting across. Many of them. The whole lesson is a "Head Fake" as he would say because he strongly believes that people learn best indirectly. They will grasp the concept of what your conveying to them better if you walk it in behind a decoy.
His head fake has taught me this:
- Never let someone confine you to a status, goal, or even aspiration. Never let anyone put a cap on what you want to do. You are the author of your book. He explains it as "Brick walls let us show our determination. They are there to distinguish the people with a ton of determination from the people with tin can of determination." So whatever you want in life, the way you go about attaining it is determined by your determination. For me my determination paid off in my matriculation into my dream school, Morehouse College. Seeing as though they first rejected me when I applied, I can tell you the true value in not letting "brick walls" define you as you embark on your journey into YOUR future!
- Secondly, when advice, feedback or input is given to you, swallow it and allow it to digest into your daily life. Pausch asserted "Anybody can get chewed out, but who actually listens." When people give your feedback...cherish it and use it!
- Lastly, In compliance to the aforementioned points, be prepared. He stated "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity." And i understand that thoroughly. In fact on my business cards I have a quote that states "An opportunity of a life time should be seized in the lifetime of that opportunity."...I think that speaks for itself.
Randy Pausch compelled me to go after my dreams twice. Tis lecture is rather extensive but its more enlightening. I challenge all of you to allow it to persuade you to be a better you. Indulge yourself in it, then allow it to thrive you. This is a dead man’s last has to be the most significant life lessons he's accumulated in his lifespan. Take heed.