Last Friday was the first official session of my English class. My professor is rather insightful. While lecturing, he started to ramble about how men in most cases cant express themselves. If they can, most times they dont think they are doing so while maintaining their masculinity. This makes them not use their voice alot of times with fear of being stereotyped to a sexual preference that isnt conventionally accepted. He then went on to say that now-a-days it seems like "Violence is the language of the inarticulate".....wow right?....In a society where "Bitch" is the common word to addressing a female and "Dawg" (derived from jail also, reffering to the position a male is in when he is "owned by another inmate) and "Nigga" is the common way to addressing a male, I think the least we can do is become effectively loquacious. Its sad when we say "hell yeah" all the time instaed of saying "I agree". Its sad when you have to repetively use "Um" and "like" when explaining yourselves....I think we need to step up. Communication is key for a lot of things but violence, ignorance, and even inarticulation doesnt solve a thing. Lets step it up guys.
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What you say shawty?