Firstly, I apologize guys for the delay bteween my posts. My mind just hasnt been working how it usually has does these past few days. Ironically my face hasnt either. I was sitting in the car with Mama Bear and she stared at me for a few mins (weirdo) and finally exclaimed " Your face is horendous!"....aww thanks ma....seeing as though I dont give 3 fucks and a hell yeah about my skin lol.
But I did actually, and went about trying to fix it with facials and scrubs one morning. While doing so My super masculine grandfather called me gay and that It didnt take all that. He said "Just piss on yourself"....WTF!!! You mean to tell me to purify my face all I have to do is throw some pee on it? Disgusting right? Nope....I researched it.
Urine is made up of 95% water, 2.5% urea, and 2.5% of minerals and vitamins. The amount of urea you have is determined by your diet and how healthy it is, thus determines the acidity of your piss. The minerals that are in your urine are basically "left overs". Meaning that your body took in all it could take from your diet and excretes it out in your urine. The acidity of the urea and quality of minerals work together intwined with water to create this panacea.
Urine has been used in ancient times for religions reasons but moreso for medicine in ancient times (specifically ubiquitous in India). They beleived that urine could purify the skin, cleanse your inner digestive system, keep you hydrated when water seems insufficient, and mostly prevent illneses. Urinophiles today back them up 100% with research and evidence. Somescientist even debate the that the quality of baby skin is due to amniotic fluid being so closely related to urine.
Urinophiles say that a cup of your morning urine (the first brew) is the best for any situation. They urge you to get the middle stream of the urine. The first part doesnt have enough minerals and the last part hass too much. A cup of your golden shower a day, keeps he meds away. =)
Urine actually does work wonders (from my studying) and Im ready to try it. The outside world that has neglected to try it, downplays urine becuase they done know the goods it can produce. I refuse to indulge myself in willful ignorance. Im going to do a 3 week trial period with a before and after picture and everything. If it works out for me, Im definitely coming back with encouragements for everyone else. I know some of you are outta touch with this concept becuase the percetion ppl have put on urine but at the end of the day its yours. And your diet constitutes the quality of it......so...... lets piss on ourselves guys! =)
Sidenote: Maybe if the lawyers and judges knew the quality and good things that urine could do for you maybe R.Kelly wouldnt have gotten in so much trouble. Maybe they would have took the perspective that he was helping her more than exploiting her lol....maybe the age difference would have beeen taken as a mentor...tryng to help his mentee improve her skin quality lol....maybe =/
1 ppl talkin' to me:
lol @ your sidenote. thats a good way to think of it. this is an interesting topic. nice to know all of the good things that urine can do. but still even though i hear this and understand it, i definitely wouldn't be trying it. That's just me though. Hope it all works out for you =o!
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What you say shawty?