Saturday, August 08, 2009

So im writing a book...and I need your opinion

So all year I have been contemplating about writing a book. But more so on what I would write about. I've come to the conslusion that I will write a book to my younger brother who's going to the sixth grade. I've noticed that with my schedule im alwasy occpied and thus cant give him the proper attention he meeds from his older brother. In doing so, I have cheated my brother out of a buttload of life lessons. Theres so much to catch him up on and so much empowerment to give, so much insight to share and so much steering to do. I feel like with what I plan to make happen at Morehouse, that I still wont have the proper time to teach him the good stuff thoroughly. With that in mind, I finalized my decision to write my book. I will write all my lessons I've endured, insight ive gained, and empowerment techniques ive gained from the past and and will gain in the next 5 years in this masterpiece. My goal is to give it to him at his high school graduation ceremony.

.....this is where I need your help....If there is anything on my blog that you feel is more that suffice to the goals of this book...please let me know. Its alot easier to piggy back off my posts than it is to start from stratch. Dont forget to tell me why you think it would behoove me use the post you selected ...Thanks!!

3 ppl talkin' to me:

Supastarrr said...

that's such a great idea!
i'd have to look over your
posts again to help

Sarah Alaoui said...

That's a wonderful idea! Your brother's lucky :)

iforgotmyname said...

wow thats a great idea....nice blog and mind by the way...

why did you want to know what school i'm going to?

its some school some neighborhood in some city in some state =o in some country.... in some continent.... in some planet.... in some galaxy... in some some space... in some existence >.>..... (point?)

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What you say shawty?