Monday, August 03, 2009

This needs to be addressed.....

If I come up to you friendly, Just to converse...that doesn’t mean I have an objective. It’s called networking. I have come to the conclusion a long time ago that I'm not chasing females anymore...if they want something from me, they’ll come to me. I dent waste my time "posting" (I’ll come back to that) outside of clubs in attempt to take you home. I’ll leave it to the low life losers who don’t know that that’s not attractive to a girl. It’s actually kind of intimidating. . . .I am a friendly guy...nothing more...nothing less. If I think your cool, I will ignite a conversation with you. You should feel flattered that I seek to find a new friendship in you rather than being judgmental about my motives. You don’t know me....yet. Therefore it wouldn’t be fair for you to treat me in such a way while I’m trying to converse with you.

On another note....Don’t tell me my game is whack. Cause to correct you in two ways. (1) I don’t use "Game “cause (2) "game" is for people whose personality is too shallow to sustain your interest in them. Sorry I have to be the first dude to be real with you first off.

On another note....To piggy back on the aforementioned topic above, Im SICK of seeing my brothers posting. Its so fucking stupid! WTF is cool about watching people walk past you. Thats stalker shit!!! Insane ass Eminem type shit! Theres plenty of other things you could be getting done instead of watching me walk past you with my pants pulled up...I betcha couldnt do that. Or maybe Im just taking the wrong perspective on this...Use your "Freedom of speech", Go to my chat box and persuade me otherwise!...(which is unlikely)

On another note...I’m a type of dude who cares less about others' opinions about me...most times. I’ve learned early in high school that when you value your friends opinions too heavily, your subject to do things that doesn’t reflect your values, aspirations, and morals. Therefore I live how I live! I dress how I dress. People say I dress like a fag. That’s Great! That means I’m wearing something you're not...mission accomplished! Fags dress cool, and aren’t saturated by the equestrian "swag" that plagues the wardrobe world right now. (I’ll come back to that) I’m also going to do what satisfies me. My hobbies are my hobbies. So fucking what if I like to:

  • Read all the books in Barnes and Noble and leave.
  • Write what I read for later references. "To teach once is to learn twice."
  • Speak with purpose. I believe that the ideals of 'Paideia' will save this world. And I’m going to indulge myself in it.
  • Rap just for fun....battle me bruh!
  • Skateboard.......its liberating. So what if that’s not "what black people do"....don’t you think that’s kind of contradicting, seeing that the prevalent theme for coolness in the black community is "Black Boy White Boy Swag".....STFU!
  • Run....I’m good at it. And you wouldn’t race me in a 3 mile run if your life depended on it. It’s my work out. A short 30 min run keeps my abs intact and my endurance up......great for your sex game guy!
  • Walk around nude. I’m comfortable with how my body looks. I never have on clothes when I’m at home and I have a household of 8...5 of which are girls. I put on boxers for the decency of the kitchen and guests, but besides that...sucka my bawlsa! I’m no Mandingo, but I’m damn sure comfy with what I have my guy. My college roommate is going to hate me....=/
  • Dress up. Shows class...get some.

On another note.......What’s up with all you guys and this "Ralph Lauren P-Lo". The style was made for people who want to sustain their class while dressing down. Not people who plan to contradict their wardrobes by oversized shirts and sagged pants. If I dare wear Polo you would understand how much better it looks when it’s worn right. But since I’m a "differenter"...I don’t rock shit like that. My shit go harder than my dick when I’m shaving. Catch up or catch on.

This is to be continued....there’s plenty more to be addressed.

P.S. - I apologized if this lowered the respect that some of you may have of me or changed your perception of me in any way....this is me backstage in the dressing room....please refer to paragraph 4.

This has been a Bean Boy PSA.....

1 ppl talkin' to me:

iforgotmyname said...

This was the truth! Sorry for the lack of sustenance in my comment... I just felt like saying that! Keep it up...

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What you say shawty?