Every time I take a test , I MUST HAVE A PEPPERMINT!! I never knew what it was...but recently I decided to do a bit of research on it. Your sense of smell and taste are closely associated. Peppermints stimulate both of those senses effectively. They keep you alert, awake, and alive! . . . not to mention they make your breath smell new again. =D....According to this site perppermints are good for confusion along with other ingredients. It list a butt load of other things that stimulate different emotions. Aromatherapy is cool.....
1 ppl talkin' to me:
Hi Jeffrey,
Quite an interesting post about peppermint oil.
Essential oils really can influence emotions so your observation makes sense. You can find some excellent information about using essential oils in daily life at the site I've linked.
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What you say shawty?