I mentioned in my older posts, that no tid bit of wisdom is pointless. The key to wisdom is curiosity. So I find myself asking how do Homosexual Men get off on Homosexual Sex?
Seeing that the vagina has a strong mucus membrane, its easy for it to get back to its original elasticity. The asshole, is different. The mucus membrane is very weak. So stretching it out hurts like hell for one, and will remained stetched out for extensive periods of time. So why would one put himself through this?
The answer is the same to a crack head, pothead, and drunk: the feeling. Men recieve orgasms through thier butthole. The prostate gland is wrapped and tied up to the bladder and base of the penis cord (for lack of vocab). When the prostate gland is poked enough times (vigorously), the man has an orgasm. This is called the male "A" spot.
The name comes from the female A spot becuase researchers believe that they are equivalent. Seeing that they are both right next to the bladder and end of the line lol (cervix and penis base), I understand this completely. But what I dont understand is why every time my eyes peruse through a porno, women allow it! Theres no pleasure what so ever in it for them (trust me I researched it). I know that the whole body is an erogenous zone but my god, you cant posiibly find pleasure in the midst of that much excrutiating pain. This just shows what people will do in the height of their freakiness. ,. . ..SMH.
This is not confirmation for men to wonder off to a new way of life, just understanding to everyone who finds themselves asking the same thing. Dont judge them however. Instead find out what persuaded them to pursue this lifestyle, and learn from it. You can then draw a red flag when the situauion comes your way or even pass the kowledge to yourger ones so they wont do the same.
...This has been a Bean Boy PSA.
**Sorry if the pic is too graphic, but youll catch my drift more with this pic.
1 ppl talkin' to me:
woo...! sodomy...
i've always wondered that.
thanks for the information
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What you say shawty?