Growing up my mother told me I would marry someone just like her. I always thought she was self centered until I ran across the Oepidus Complex Theory. Sigmund Freud had my respect from the psychoanalytical theory. The Oepidus Complex theory was inspired by the Sophocles play, Oepidus Rex. That play modeled out the myth of greek god, Oepidus, who killed his father and married his mother. Fred explained that innocuous sexual acts, such as breast feeding and touching the penis during diaper change, triggers the psychosexual development. The son now has a propensity to have sexual encounters with his mom and detests his father because the father is having intimate relations with his mother. The child usually fulfills these fantasies in dreams, drawings or literary works. No wonder there are so many “Mama’s boys.” I’ll admit, he is right. I remember having these visuals of me screwing my mother and even my grandmother. I always told myself I was sick in the head and kept it in. I only dreamed of it though. I cant remember really wanting to kill my father until he and my mother divorced. I wanted to hang his balls on the flagpole because I had witnessed the hurt he brought to my mother. Sigmund goes up in favorite sociologists.
For females he proposed an inverted theory for females as well it’s called the “Reverse Opepidus Complex” or the Electra Complex
3 ppl talkin' to me:
Wow... I read Odeopius and saw the video last semseter for class and thought it to very interesting. My mom was at this breakfast thing and told me that she saw the boy and his mom and he waas always near here, they were sittin under the tree together and everything a true mamas boy. I feel there nothing wrong wit a mamas boy but only if it doesnt go to far.
lol I feel it...I got you on dat one.
woooooooow.... i had to read that during for high school but i didn;t get all of that out of it. I didn't know it was the mothers touch in private areas that attracted him to his mother. But yea as long as a dude dont take it to far than its okay to be a mommas boy =).... mommas boy
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What you say shawty?