Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Who would have thought dinner would be so enlightening?

Last night I attended the Georgia Chamber of Commerce's Annual Dinner. The event description entails hundreds of business leaders from all across Georgia congregate together for a dinner (typically followed by a breakfast) to iscuss politics, to discuss innovative business strategies,but most importantly to network. I had the pleasure to sit with Turner Broadcasting System's Auditing department. I gained much insight from the employees of this company that I feel more mentally trained enough to rightfully wear the title of "Mr. Auspicious." Their words were both enlightening and encouraging (Not to mention the encouragement I received from Carl, a freshman at Emory University, that has been involved in the stock market for years.) however the Keynote speaker for that night touched me the most. Mike Huckabee shared two points that night that were right on time.

First Point:
The schooling system is only perpetuating incompetence. They focus solely on the left side leaving the right side unentertained. He shared there are a lot of high school students that drop out becuase school is just boring. most times after they catch the flow of the system its easy to have success but many resent it becuase it is no longer a challenge. After reading Miseducation of a Negro and Rich Dad Poor Dad-- I cant say that I didnt agree wholeheartedy.  This allowed me to see that what Morehouse offers is great but it isnt going to give me the success I greed for. It is going to take outside studying and learning to get me there.

Second Point:

Mike shared a story about when he went bob sledding for the a governors vacation. He shared that he was showed the ropes by a teenager who didnt really show much intellect or prudence (imagine how he explained his hysterics lol...hilarious). The teenager told him everything he needed to know but it wasn't until 5 seconds before the race had begun that the teenager empowered Huckabee for the rest of his life. The teen said " If you mess up , don't spend time trying to fix the past; It's behind you--forget it. Instead steer for the curve; Brace yourself to conquer it." This advice touched Mike and allowed him to be successful in so many other areas of his life. This bit of advice was also very beneficial for me as well. I seem to use my ill preparation to be the bane of my success. I should forget ad look at it as an institution that made me stronger to accomplish the things I have and the things in will in the future.

. . .Thanks alot Mike!


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What you say shawty?