It seems as if the age of being a gentleman is passing away. I am noticing that most women have this independent mindset that opposes being cared for as such—to an extent. My friend, Constance Ogletree, said being a gentleman is okay but it should be practiced in certain situations. My buddy, Ashia Lee, added that she wouldn’t like for a dude to order her food or open her car door unnecessarily. I’m assuming that as time grows and women begin to perpetuate this independent mindset, the need for gentleman like qualities will soon dissolve. Blogspot. . .How do you feel about that?
12 ppl talkin' to me:
well it seems that in todays society "she got her own". I feel that men want a woman who can take care of herself but also allow a male to cater to her. however now and days it seems that they are hard to find. Do u have a job? Do you have a education? Do you have children? if those questions can be answered correctly then there is potential. i also feel that a woman wants to be independent so that if the situation doesn't work out she is able to fall back on her own feet, she doesn't have to be so concerned with picking up the pieces
I agree totally. My standpoint is that I believe there is such a thing as being overly independent to where a man cant cater to her. That's where ask...Is the need to be a gentleman and catering to females vanishing?
I feel this is an extremely faulty generalization. you are trying to form a conjecture for the future based on your feelings and the feelings of others in your neighborhood or environment. it is true that some women do not like the concept of chivalry however, it will never cease to exist because history is a cycle
Yeah thats why I sought out your opinion. With it being a generalization, I am aware that there will be exceptions. In any sociological research, however, you address the masses/dominant culture. An independent mindset is growing rapidly amongst females (and I applaud you for being a distinguished one) so It is becoming, if it already hasn't become, the pervaded mindset of females. With that my question was is this growing independence slowly eradicating the need for men acting as Gentlemen?
I totally understand what Ms. Goings is saying. When a woman is independant, yeah she is able to take care of things her way and get things done her way, but if your in a relationship or starting a relationship with a man, let the man take the driver seat. Let him open doors for you, let him make you dinner from time to time, let him take the leading role. I am proud to see women who have their own and doing big things with their life, but there is a time and place where you need to just let your man do what he need to do for you. If he isnt there presently, go ahead and be the boss, but when he is there, let him take the driver seat again.
Awww man!!! So your telling me all independence should be situational and not chivalry??
Okay. Brother Ima be real with you. It depends on what you like. If a girl cant handle that part of you then just keep it moving. If you like being a provider then you should come across a girl who wants to be provided for. And it is pittafull.
Me personaly i think you should stick with it. Girls complain when brothers dont know how to act and now that they have 1 they dont know what to do with it. Now in days I honestly think that we need to take it back to when brothers brought home the bacon because as of now the typical household is breaking down.
but dont forget how yo momz raised you and do you.
lol . . .i thinkyou miss the pointofmy argument lol...This isnt personal at all...Its just an observance that i was seeking to corroborate. Here is the question: If the independent mindset of women continue to grow, will the need for gentleman continue to decrease? Will it reach of point where it will vanish wholly?
being a gentleman is always needed, no matter how "independent" a girl thinks she is because 9 times out of 10 that independence is just a front and wants to be cared for.
P.S. thanxs for the feedback.
a lot of ppl think my standards r too high & yeah i hope to be that perfect gf when the time comes
AAAAGGGGGHHHH!!! I see this soo much and it kills me. Okay please allow me to provide context to my opinion. Mental chains. I am a black female slave, and my husband is a black male slave. Late at night Master comes to our cabin and decides I am more appealing than his wife. He snatches me out of bed with my husband and rapes me before his very eyes, he is helpless and shamed. This is a reoccurring event. When master is done leaves me on the floor crying. This man who was once my leader, provider, lover, basically superman could not help me. A piece of me dies, and the image of "husband" can Never be the same. His confidence and self-imagery is shattered. We become emotionally detached and eventually physically as well. I raise my Daughters to be independent and not to need a man because they cannot always provide, and I raise my Sons with their heads down and never to look master in the eye. (Willie Lynch Letter Powerful Stuff)
Women need men and vice versa, we coexist and could not survive completely independent of the other. I was taught to be Self sufficient in which I do plan to be, but I fully intend for my husband to provide for me and a family and as long as I have sons gentlemen will always exist.
I see your point and I agree with you. However you forgot to answer my question (lol). . .Do you think the need for gentlemen will slowly vanish as the mindset of a independence pervades and perpetuates itself amongst women?
No I dont
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What you say shawty?