So I’ve just read "Act like a Lady, Think like a Man” by Steve Harvey. I must say for women its quite insightful. It teaches you how to distinguish a man who is a “sport fish” and a “keeper”. He says there are many fish in the sea but every real fisher man has to decide which fish are just fun to catch and which fish meet the standards to take home, season it up and share with the family. If I were a critic out of a 5 star rating this book would get 4 stars.
Although this book is very insightful for women, you must keep in mind that the category [Men] is very broad. Not every man is the highly masculine, bachelor that he takes the standpoint of. Not every man isn’t able to cope with their emotional side. Not every man was bred how Steve Harvey was bred to be a man. Every guy is different, therefore some of these tactics he shares, can’t be applied.
It became obvious early on who this book was targeted to. The unstable, repetitively wrongly done, attracted to no good men-women. Ladies if you are attracted to these Playa types of guys then maybe all you need is a little bit of self-analyzation and this book. But ladies if you got your shit together you’ve got ur shit together. I recommend every woman to read this book and allow his insight to convict your inner women, but don’t read this book religiously. Don’t apply his wisdom to every relationship you encounter. Because one thing this book doesn’t teach is how to accept a man that is “different”….you never know who “the one” may be.
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What you say shawty?