While in Boston this past week, I had the opportunity to see many great sites. Seeing as though Boston is rich with history, I have no clue why i was suprised. I saw Harvard, Fanieul Hall, and even the amazing view of the lake front. But none those had the significance of the Holocaust Memorial. To see different testimonials from the survivors was very touching. They way they expressed thier emotions compelled me to understand more and more about this catastrophe. I felt so ignorant as I heard the story of the struggle of these people. Then to walk through the six tunnels which gave a steam releasing from the ground to give the effect of the gas chambers...,made me really understand how these people must have felt.
And then i thought.... African Americans arent the only people who struggled this far to reach liberation. I feel the struggle of African Americans is too widely publicized. It needs to be an equilibrium of knowledge. The people should know the stuggle of Hispanics, Whites, Asian, Russians, Europian, and hell...even Martians (I Love you Marty), equally. All too often people focus on the struggle of thier descent too monotonously. If we took the time to research and acknowledge the struggles of other denominations, we will see life from a broader perspective and thus appreciate the freedom we have attained, wholly. We have all endured something. Struggle makesa you stronger and thats the reason why our nation is as strong as it is now. Some struggles are greater than others but that doesnt justify a damn thing.....We are equal now (supposedly), . . . . so why arent we equally informed about our American counterpart's struggles?
I encourage everyone to use thier compassion more broadly. I challenge everyone to reasearch about other racial denomination's struggles and see if they become susceptible...see if it compels you to have a broader perspective on life, people, and race.
3 ppl talkin' to me:
I think we should take a look outside of ourselves try to identify with another cultures struggle. We all know about how the Native American man had his land stolen from him, but how many of us know about how the Asian American was treated during the WW2 era. But I can’t say that the struggle of African Americans is too publicized. I think the difference is the here and now. Yes we have come far, but not as far as we should have, we are still being discriminated against this very day. Not to say other cultures aren’t, but our struggle, to me, is truly unique and should be treated as such.
I partially disagree.
We've been educated in the public school system. As you know, the history books are bias toward certain struggles and even lie about some- "terrorist".
However, the African Maafa (African Holocaust) goes far deeper than history books begin to cover. (Pregnant women beat to death and babies carved out while mother is still alive then stamped to Death, to 'put the fear of God in the other enslaved Africans')
The Jewish Holocaust, however, is widely respected and people are even jailed (in certain parts of Germany) for denying it's existence.
The Jewish got reparations and repayment, however, what happens to The Native American's struggle to keep their land, what happens to the indigenous people of Australia who were interbred with Europeans to purposely wipe out dark skin, what happens to all those other cultures left out?
Kalos, no one's struggle is greater than another, however there is no cultural sensitivity toward the African Holocaust in this country, if so, would the word 'nigga' be used so ignorantly?
What other group of people call themselves derogatory names such as...
I think you are in the right direction with this, however watch when you say we are 'All too often people focus on the struggle of thier descent too monotonously.'
Because the truth is, we dont even appreciate our own culture, where we came from, because we are not given our history in whole, instead fed knowledge about how great the greeks were, leaving out the barbarity and knowledge stolen from Kemet....
conversation 'tbc'
(jewish holocaust no more than ten years, african holocaust...hundreds of years and conditioning...the aftermath is a race-still Christianize so heavily, mentally enslaved ignorant mental inferiority..etc.)
True enough the struggle of our race is deeply unique and honorable. But im coming from the perspective of a person whos never really been on "Black Power"...I do believe that everyone should know thier past and appreciate it. I also believe that when they read up on thier past FIRST and thoroughly understand where they came from..then they should venture out and begin to understand other's past. I stand corrected when I asserted that the African American struggle is "too widely publisized"..I didnt mean it in the way I stated it...I was saying that there is a need for an equilibrium. That other history should be acknowledged to the same extent.
Bunmi...hispanics call themselves as Higaro (spell check) that means the same... Not sure about any other cultures just yet.
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What you say shawty?