"Imagination is more important than knowldge. For knowledge is limited to all we know, while imagination embraces the entire world and all we'll ever know."
~Albert Einstien
I understand where Einstien is coming from but I dont agree with him wholly. Its conventionally known and agreed that knowledge is power. Whether gaining wisdom through study or experience, having knowledge makes you respectable. If you're wise people will value your thoughts and opinions, even if they dont neccessarily agree, but imagination is just a thought. A dream. A wish, thats remains on the inside of your noggin. No one will ever value your imaginations until your dreams or thoughts come to fruition. So yes dream big and imagine great things, but accumulate as much knowledge as possible. This way you will have the proper knowledge to implement a solid plan that will allow you to bring your dreams to fruition.
On another note Imagination is the root for all of our inventions, structures, and really wisdom. If no one ever had a dream to make things better or figure things out a little in depth...they would have never built up the strive to find things out and thus remain ignorant. Its imagination that brought Africans Americans to this point of liberation. Years and years ago...every black being desired a free lifestyle but couldnt have it becuase they were confined to grueling work and ingorance. But one day out of the blue..blacks began to gain knowledge and lead their people toward freedom. Harriet Tubman used her wisdom that was gained through experience and Fredrick Douglas gained his through study. They both made huge impacts on our race's advancement now. Years after that...MLK took the steps to implement his dream and now we are free.
So in conclusion...Imagination is very helpful ..but I dont agree that its "more important than knowledge".

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What you say shawty?