Whilst helping the guy move boxes, I noticed he had 7 boxes full of books. So I asked inquistively " What book would you suggest I read beforeI head off to school?" He then threw What Black Men Should Do Now by K. Thomas Oglesby at me. I put it to the side for later winnowing.
While in transition to the 2nd destination, I only read the foreword which was written by Tavis Smiley. It was then I found the purpose of my blog. Tavis notionally asserted " As we seek to be understood, we should seek to understand self, sister, and society."
Epiphany: The sole reason of my repetitive posts is to share my thoughts, help others understand me, but most importantly understand this outside world in confined too. From the gravel beneath thousands of gallons of sea water to the tiny particles that coalesce harmoniously, creating the prettiest intangible imagery in the sky. From the motives that fuel the President's actions to the thoughts and emotions that intertwine to compell his listeners to check the little blue box next to his controversial name on that sweet November morning. To the thoughts that plauge my brother's minds to the perspectives that my strong sisters take on the "endangered species" we've all been refferred to. Knowledge is everlasting. It thrives my blog. It sustains my curiosity. It compells me to know impinge further into the auspicious intellect offered by the world.
Now theres only two ways to gain knowledge. Through study or experience. I've learned the hard way that through experience, time is lost and cherished necessities are jeapordized. Ive recently found a love in knowledge through study. I encourage you to help me "seek understanding" by offering your imput, whether opposing or supporting, trust it will be appreciated, but it will be considered more. Your imput is more than permissable, its welcomed. With that in mind, Go comment crazy on this bish!!!!
Know that if you took the time to consider my insight, you are now a respected friend. But to take the time to follow, you are now a loved friend. =)
4 ppl talkin' to me:
I like the direction u took it....this has allowed me to realize something: when ppl try 2 define d word MAN, r they just thinkin gof positive attributes to "boost their ego"? makes a lot of sense....n then what does dat say abt us...women can have all d positive attributes a man can...so who are we? what makes us special? wat drives us to do better? Is the simnply fact that MOST of us have a dick and can put it somewhere make us special? IS DAT ALL?!! When I was younger, I wanted to grow up to be a man....bt what MAN...is that an abstract concept...b/c i could have put my dick somewhere when i was 3...was I a man then?
and then that puts into question d 2nd partof d stat: [think like a man of action and act like a man of thought]...is dat possible w/o a definitive phrase for the word MAN...mayb its just appealing b/c it sounds good...but has no real meaning..
My point exactly...its used too freely Without meaning...just like love...two things we like to ignorantly indulge ourselves in but dnt kno what the hell they are...like you said..theyre ego enhancers
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What you say shawty?