Okay so...I never put more than 10 bucks in my tank. Therefore..I am very gas conscious. While Im driving there numerous factors I figure that chisel away from my car's gas efficiency. The one that plauges my mind the most is my RPM Gauge or Tachometer. So I decided to conduct my own little research.
Consider it from a Cross Country runner's perspective. When you take off too fast at the beggining of the race...youll either lose alot of energy or die out, but if you allow yourself to gradually build up to the optimum speed...youll save more energy and last longer. Same with cars....All a RPM Gauge does is tell you how many revolutions are cycling per minute. Translation...how fast your _____ is turning per minute. The more turns you get a minute the harder your car works and thus the less gas you are conserving. Remember to keep a steady pace rather than zoomin off then slowing down (turns) or just zooming faster and faster and faster.....take off gradually and keep a steady pace then you will have more gas to play with.
Note: In cross country Ive found it better to sprint up hills versus dragging up it...the quicker you get it done...the better. What is suggested is you pick up speed before the hill to have some momentum going into it and it will make it alot easier for going up it. The same applies for cars.
Remember you do more work going 0-60mph in 5 seconds than you do in 10s....take your time man.
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What you say shawty?