Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Membership Cancelled. . . .

A while I had a post titled "N.W.F." Back then I was I had a propensity for the cause, becuase of the optimistic goals and standards we set out for the group. We never stamped a time limit on bringing our thoughts to fruition but we always had it on our to-do list.

We would advertise our group and boast about our mission and goals at random social gatherings, videos, and etc., but we never got to make it happen. We were talk. Nothing more. Nothing less.

So recently I decided to take a step further to impinge into our dreams and actually began to map out a plan to get us up and running. It was obvious that we werent on the same plane.

Ive been reading this book called "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" by John Maxwell..and one of the most important laws ive learned is the law of "Buy-In"....Its just about getting everybody on the same focus and working to chisel away at a goal in unity. Unfortunately my propensity to to attain our universal goals didnt exude from my speech, thought, and overall presence. So subsequently it didnt universally embed in thier braines. So what was I to do....nothing....A lost cause is a lost cause. I try to beat his ass 800 times..bu tif i cant win..I cant win.

NWF was too busy trying to get everyone to "catch up or catch on"...when simutaneously, we were too caught up with being caught on. Ive diligently tried folks...but like my man Trence told me one basketball game..."You just gotta know when to stop. So im parking my car here and catching a bus to my new destination of optimism.

1 ppl talkin' to me:

{Mr. Wilson} said...

I can DEFINITELY relate to this one. I suffered (scratch that, suffer) from the same issue when it comes to me and my friends. Its seems as though most ideas get lost in planning. Sometimes, it seems as though I'm the only one working towards the future that we all "say" we want.

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What you say shawty?