While sitting here watching “hiher learning”…..I‘ve had an epiphany. Lawrence Fishburn challenged Omar Epps in the movie to stop being so oblivious to the world around him and become more mentally competitive. If we know all the rules to anygame, It is likely that we will know how to tweak it in our favor for the better possibility of our advancement. We should always be a student of our own game. . . .How that constituted this idea…IDK…but listen up
All my life I’ve been short and skinny. Couldn’t do nothing but talk a good game in hopes for respect in return. But then it came a time where I actually had to prove myself. It started in the nieghbohood, telling everyone I was bigger and badder than they were until finally one day I had to prove myself. I beat one of my closest friends ass,. . . repitively…just as an example to everyone else that I’m nothing to play with. Then it rolled over to the football field. I was shortest, smallest one…but I had to make a name for myself somehow..My daddy didn’t raise no punk. So I started tackling the biggest guys on the team head first and that caught the respect of my peers as well as my coaches. They said I had heart..and they trusted me before anybody because they knew I would at least give it my all. Then it was baseball. I wasn’t tall enough for some positions or fast enough for the others…but I was quick…so I worked really hard to be a great short stop..and succeeded. As time rolled on …I got into basketball. Then track…just to prove myself worthy of respect. I played all these sports and excelled in all of them. . . . but now Im at a crossroad.
After being an athlete all my life…I got sick of being pitied and stereotyped by the nonathletic world..giving me all these second chances and when I seized my chances. I was just another “DUMB ATHLETE”… Weaving my way through life with my strength and finess. . . . That’s when I quit football and took on an AP class. It wasn’t only cuz I had a better chance in track…but to give me more time to focus on becoming more ‘metally competitive’. As the year went on ..I started making a name for myself in cross country which subsequently spilled over into the track world. I knew what I could do and everybody else around me knew what I could do…It all depended on how bad I wanted it. Ask my coaches. Ask my team mates. Ask yourself , if you really know me. I started to become so intrigued by my intellectual abilities I gave up on the athletic world as a whole. I gave up on possibly becoming a state champ in football, cross country, and track in the same year. Big ass mistakes right……nope. I went on to challenge myself more and see how far I could go. I applied to a butt load of academically competitive schools. I even considered Harvard (too optimistic..should have been more realistic) until I found a school perfect for me. Morehouse College. Everyone knows the legacy of Morehouse, if not I encourage you to read up on it. I got hyped up about going there. I spent almost every day on the campus living vicariously through the students that already attended there. I couldn’t wait!...... A few weeks Later… I was rejected. They basically told me I was ‘mentally competive’ enough to make it through their curriculum. …Pssh..yea right…I appealed and Im going to my dream school. Nothing or no one will ever tell me what I can and cannot accomplish.
I say all that to say this. I ve spent all my life trying to gain respect through physical competition. Trying to be the big man on campus everywhere I went. It paid off…..but Im still not happy. I wish to God I would have known at an earlier age the benefits of being HUMBLE and Mentally Competitive. Knowledge is Power. Real talk…The more I look at my past trophies on my wall..old pics of me winning..i get mad. Honestly, I want to throw them all away and start over. I want to see how many diplomas and honorary doctorates I can receive. . . But that’s wont be it. My GMA talked to for a while today about having a balance. Im going to be emotionally, socially, athletically, intellectually, and morally sound. I cant take this one-sided life anymore… and you are reading this…I challenge you to do the same.WE cant take this One sided life anymore. With the world becoming so damn competitive in so many areas, people are looking for diversity. People want to now knock out 20 birds with 1 stone. We should all strive to impinge into all domains worthy of competition and rock every domination for ourselves!! I say this in no reference no race, height or sex…..I say this to everyone!!!... Either ‘Catch up….or catch on’.
Okay so I rambled a bit.....I got my point out tho...all fifty of em lol
-Im a natural born competitor, at heart.
-I wont let anyone tell me what I can and cannot attain. . .unless its worth accepting that insight.
-I want everyone to add more diversity to thier lives...this life thing...is a game...why do you think most aphorisms can relate to board games??
All my life I’ve been short and skinny. Couldn’t do nothing but talk a good game in hopes for respect in return. But then it came a time where I actually had to prove myself. It started in the nieghbohood, telling everyone I was bigger and badder than they were until finally one day I had to prove myself. I beat one of my closest friends ass,. . . repitively…just as an example to everyone else that I’m nothing to play with. Then it rolled over to the football field. I was shortest, smallest one…but I had to make a name for myself somehow..My daddy didn’t raise no punk. So I started tackling the biggest guys on the team head first and that caught the respect of my peers as well as my coaches. They said I had heart..and they trusted me before anybody because they knew I would at least give it my all. Then it was baseball. I wasn’t tall enough for some positions or fast enough for the others…but I was quick…so I worked really hard to be a great short stop..and succeeded. As time rolled on …I got into basketball. Then track…just to prove myself worthy of respect. I played all these sports and excelled in all of them. . . . but now Im at a crossroad.
After being an athlete all my life…I got sick of being pitied and stereotyped by the nonathletic world..giving me all these second chances and when I seized my chances. I was just another “DUMB ATHLETE”… Weaving my way through life with my strength and finess. . . . That’s when I quit football and took on an AP class. It wasn’t only cuz I had a better chance in track…but to give me more time to focus on becoming more ‘metally competitive’. As the year went on ..I started making a name for myself in cross country which subsequently spilled over into the track world. I knew what I could do and everybody else around me knew what I could do…It all depended on how bad I wanted it. Ask my coaches. Ask my team mates. Ask yourself , if you really know me. I started to become so intrigued by my intellectual abilities I gave up on the athletic world as a whole. I gave up on possibly becoming a state champ in football, cross country, and track in the same year. Big ass mistakes right……nope. I went on to challenge myself more and see how far I could go. I applied to a butt load of academically competitive schools. I even considered Harvard (too optimistic..should have been more realistic) until I found a school perfect for me. Morehouse College. Everyone knows the legacy of Morehouse, if not I encourage you to read up on it. I got hyped up about going there. I spent almost every day on the campus living vicariously through the students that already attended there. I couldn’t wait!...... A few weeks Later… I was rejected. They basically told me I was ‘mentally competive’ enough to make it through their curriculum. …Pssh..yea right…I appealed and Im going to my dream school. Nothing or no one will ever tell me what I can and cannot accomplish.
I say all that to say this. I ve spent all my life trying to gain respect through physical competition. Trying to be the big man on campus everywhere I went. It paid off…..but Im still not happy. I wish to God I would have known at an earlier age the benefits of being HUMBLE and Mentally Competitive. Knowledge is Power. Real talk…The more I look at my past trophies on my wall..old pics of me winning..i get mad. Honestly, I want to throw them all away and start over. I want to see how many diplomas and honorary doctorates I can receive. . . But that’s wont be it. My GMA talked to for a while today about having a balance. Im going to be emotionally, socially, athletically, intellectually, and morally sound. I cant take this one-sided life anymore… and you are reading this…I challenge you to do the same.WE cant take this One sided life anymore. With the world becoming so damn competitive in so many areas, people are looking for diversity. People want to now knock out 20 birds with 1 stone. We should all strive to impinge into all domains worthy of competition and rock every domination for ourselves!! I say this in no reference no race, height or sex…..I say this to everyone!!!... Either ‘Catch up….or catch on’.
Okay so I rambled a bit.....I got my point out tho...all fifty of em lol
-Im a natural born competitor, at heart.
-I wont let anyone tell me what I can and cannot attain. . .unless its worth accepting that insight.
-I want everyone to add more diversity to thier lives...this life thing...is a game...why do you think most aphorisms can relate to board games??
2 ppl talkin' to me:
Wow, I've met many people and not many would have such a point of view. It seems now a days, black males think that their possibilities lay solely in the realm of sports, but life brings so much more than that...you have to write this story in a book.
I totally agree with you Jeff, great observation!
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What you say shawty?