Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Im feeling pretty damn good right now!! I got some good sleep then spent the first two hours of my day reading some W.E.B......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah paradise!! But before I reached paradise I must tell you all of this weird ass dream I had. I have been thinking about pledging something...but contemplating on whether Alpha or Omega. In the dream I was reading up on the Alphas and then a butt load of Ques stromed in my room an started sifning this sheet. I saw the president of SGA (also a Que) walk in and sign the sheet. So I asked him "Yo Adam....Why Omega?".....He gave me this this look of utter disgust for my semingly exigent repugnance. And just walked out of the room....then I got out my seat and walked out my room to see what was up. As soon as I walked out the door I feel in this this deep ass valley so illuminating that it seems as if I was falling toward heaven. Ironically, I landed on a nimbus that seemed to be decorated like a heavenly race car with the number 9 on it lol.....I was shocked by what I was on and as soon as I got adjusted to it, I heard this roaring crowd come from no where. Engines were around me revving up. In my nearsight I se a guy standing on a glden ladder waving a purple and gold flag. (IRONIC!!) Once I figured I was about to race--even though I didn't know for what--I decided to check my competition. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand guess WTF I saw. The only two people I was racing was a popular Que and a popular Alpha--> both were the faces of their chapter. The gun popped and I woke up to see my girl in my arms. . . . . . . WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO BE GETTING OUT OF THAT!!!!!!!!!!!
IF my interpretation is right...I think my dream was telling me that I am my own frat. I dont need a frat to define me or accentuate me. Maybe Im just that damn fly. Maybe Im just that damn influencing. Maybe its telling me to start my own frat. -->JEFF SO PHI--> Not to sound like I'm on my high horse but I am lol.....Dont ruin it for me lol.
I am interested though...What do you see me as a Que or an Alpha?
1 ppl talkin' to me:
well you already know what I think(Que all the way).... sooo ummmmmmm it's only up to u to make the decision and only take peoples answers into consideration of what u plan to pledge. =)
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What you say shawty?