Saturday, December 26, 2009
Mobile Meandering: WTF?
Ive been bamboozled lol...he has been over there moaning and shit as if he is getting heavy epiphanies from what he is reading. Not the case at all lol...his ass is having heavy orgasmic scenes from his perverse phantasms lol.....GET A LIFE PRICK!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
"Controversial Topic"

This Christmas. . .

Christmas Time!! Ring a ling! [NOT] I am so not in the Christmas spirit...we don't even have a fuckin tree up in my house. No lights in the whole neighborhood and we have not been to one Christmas event...Santa can come have a threesome with me and my pillow because this Christmas is gonna be shitty. I think in an attempt to run away from this bullshit on tomorrow morning as well as calibrate my disposition with some happiness, I'm gonna do some community service. I love doing community service, esp. when I'm feeding the homeless. They smile so hard and show the sincerest, most genuine appreciation. Seeing their pearly whites will illuminate my holiday season and make me feel like my Christmas has been worth it. It will radiate my presences and boost my pride for for my deed so much that I will feel like I am surfing the rays of the sun while I hang 10 on my nimbus....yeah....Christmas will be great. =)
Letter to My Hero

Dear Booker,
It perturbs me to understand why you chose Washington. I understand it was one of the spur of the moment, give me artificial importance type of thing. Before that moment however you sought to define your importance by tracing your ancestry. With that, it’s hard for me to understand why Washington, a name that has no significance to you, was chosen as your last name. You lived a life in opposition to complacency and ignorance. You withstood the most daring obstacles in route to your preponderance. It’s no wonder that you believe success is not measured so much by the position that one has reached in life but rather the obstacles in which one has overcame to get there.
Booker you’re such an inspiration. I honor everything you’ve accomplished. You have exemplified my ideal future. You stood intransigent on opposition to complacency and embracing upward mobility. What perplexes me is why you grew complacent with such a fictitious name. Malcom X, a Black equality martyr to come after your passing, changed his name because the premise of it because the meaning of it didn’t align with who he was (or trying to be for that matter). His discontent charged him to change his last name to “X”. Booker why didn’t you ever change your name to; I’ give you the name of Booker P; for P could stand for a plethora of words that fit you perfectly. How does Booker Pretentious, Perfect, Persevering, Powerful, Possible, Prideful, Prepared, Prospered, Preponderant, and Prudent sound to you?
Up from Slavery

While I usually like to give summaries of books or more so reflections of book I think are noteworthy, but to refer to Up from Slavery as such is degrading. From Booker T. Washington’ s upbringing as a slave, to his self imposed erudition, to the journey to Hampton, to his journey of distinction—Booker T. Washington composed a book that was far more than a much needed read. It’s a book that I finished in two days because it’s impossible to put down. It’s almost blasphemous for one to perjure that their attention won’t become entangled in Booker T. Washington’s inextricable lines of wisdom, motivation and anecdotes. It influenced the work of many great intellectuals to come after him by challenging many to reconsider the optical dichotomy people viewed race through.
Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of highly effective people

I wrapped this book up in about a week. It offers such valuable insight and fundamental skill to attaining success. It teaches fundamental skills from thinking proactively, to becoming value centered, to enhancing your organizational skills and even touching a bit on your interpersonal skills. I have adopted some of his suggestions in my life I must say that It was already made a dramatic difference in my intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Once Upon a Time. . .

That boy was me. I find that I have influenced many other people close to me to create blogs. That’s fine and I’m overly supportive, but I don’t think they take blogging to be as sacremental as it is to me. They commit to conversing on cyberspace creatively for a range of three to seven posts and quit. The problem with that is the type of quitting. Strategic quitting is permissible but reactive quitting is disdained. Reasons for quitting varies but most times it is in response to a stimulus that blogging has created. I don’t think that how lightly blogging is taken with people who rape the system is fair to people who actually have a passion for it. So please, If you don’t plan to commit to it, just leave it be.
. . .Check out my first post...I still get a kick out of it
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Pretty Girls...

Earlier today I publicized a deep confession via facebook. I came out that pretty girls intimidate me. There has not been a time when I’ve encountered a pretty girl that I struggle to comfortable look her in her face. I always feel like I don’t meet her standards and I notice the smallest shortcomings about myself. My nails have dead cuticle skin surrounding them. The angle of the left side of my hairline is too high. The hue of my shirt is a little deeper than my shoes. Any- and everything becomes a concern. I know I am first judged by my outer appearance before I can regain some confidence with my inner appearance. I attempt to make my outer match my inner but that never works. In fact, I don’t even have enough clothes to dress how I would like to. So I constantly critique myself without consideration for what I do have. This only brings my esteem down more and results in me still not being able to get over it. I need some help with this….do you guys have any methods you use to get over this?
I'm on An Island...and I'm Removing Your Anchor

I just want to fall off the face of the earth right now. I envision me alone on a hypothetical island surrounded by my brainy phantasms. I have my trusty rod, string and gum to selectively reel in those thoughts to harvest for myself. I have no wish to be rescued from this place, for it keeps me distant from the immediate world. I used to love being the guy that everybody hated but now I hate being the guy that everybody loves. I’m on Christmas break and I must say I am enjoying it so far because it’s going exactly how I wanted it to. I have planned to use this time wisely since September of this year. My goal is to enlighten myself on the subjects I have sought to understand for some time. However every time I begin exegesis, I am unpleasantly interrupted. Everyone texts me requesting to spend some time with me, but they haven’t considered the time I’d like to spend with myself?
I love having a social life, but I don’t have an intellectual life. The only chance I get to sharpen my intellect is through schooling and blogging. Schooling limits my knowledge to my intended profession and core curriculum; it doesn’t talk about the intricacies of my cultural historical progression, understanding others or other weird topics that capture my interest. Blogging only serves as an instrument for me to express myself. With that, reading, surveying and excogitation are things that I contemporarily prize. Of course this is nothing but a mere zeitgeist, but while it is in duration I ask that everyone please respect my time to myself until further notice.
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Never Force Belief on Others

Well. . .all my life I have been in church. I can honestly say that out of 18 years of my life, I may have only misses 6 Sundays of service. I never had a choice of whether or not I would like to attend church. I would be told “BOY! You goin’ to church and you gone worship him while you there”. Growing up I’d abide by that, but now it has dramatically tarnished my faith. I feel like I need a break from church. Church seems so cliché to me. In fact every time I share this with someone, their response goes in one ear and out the other because I’ve heard it all before. They usually quote scriptures to support their argument when most times that isn’t even what it originally meant. I’ve gotten to the point that if I see religious text I something I’m reading, I’ll just skim or skip it. The more I am forced to go to church the more I notice what I don’t like about it. I just need to escape religion for a while to regain my passion for acknowledging the higher being.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thanks Nandi

So last night I was on the phone with a good friend of mine: Nandi Spencer. Homie is a creative conversationalist and BANGING BLOGGER. We talked about my problem then we talked a little about her cultural capital. I was intrigued by how she was raised to be family centered and how her family centered their being on their ancestral family …cool right? I asked how her family planned to spend Christmas together and she said “we don’t celebrate Christmas. We Celebrate Kwanza”. Got damn that’s cool!!!
I asked her to excuse my ignorance and to enlighten me about it. It sounded very good and I wanted to try it …bad! So I asked if it was wrong if I could..she said yes. So this year I will be celebrating Christmas and Kwanzaa. Wish me luck!
Dear Santa, . . .
Dear Santa,
I don’t want much for Christmas this year. Matter fact I don’t want anything palpable. All I want is wisdom and her. My intention was to use my money I was going to get to buy a few books: Stolen Legacy (Khalfani put me on), Up from Slavery, Souls of Black Folks, and Open Mike. However if I could find wisdom in her Id have everything I need. See Santa this girl is vocalist; for her voice gives me inverted acupunctured. It seems as if my Goosebumps are attempting to grasp her to bring her closer to me. This girl is a poet; for her wordplay is ridiculous. Never have I met a girl who could convey her creativity inside the linguistic penitentiary. The English language has so many rules that it’s hard to abide by them and still say what your hearts is screaming to the world. This girl is a model; for her beauty is unmatched. Her dark complexion radiates like the sun and my eyes are constantly orbiting around her presence; Santa this girl is the center of my universe. Her smile brings light to my day. Her hair blows me away; for my love is natural!! She no longer compares herself to the imagery that the American standards has proposed but she is confirmed. She shows confirmation that she is consistent and intransigent with who she is and who ought to be. Did I mention her body Santa? . . . She doesn’t have a bangin butt or brobdingnagian boobs but she has form. Form enough for me to me match. Just enough for me to hold but more than enough for me to appreciate.
Santa. . . All I want for Christmas is to cuddle with Lauryn Hill.
Friday, December 18, 2009

Dont call me...text me.

I hate your freakin guts. You are the scum between my toes. You make me vomit.
~Love Alfalfa

. . . maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan twitter is nothing. All this hype about it on 106 and park and amongst my social group for what???? Its the most pointless, confusing, and frustrating thing ever. The way you guys talked about it I thought it was gonna put an end to facebook.....not! Whats the point in reading a bunch of statuses all day?? I might as well pick up a book or something. If all you guys were complaining about all this massive reading we had to do during the semester, why the hell would you sit in front of ur cpu doing the same thing--> only pointless this time. I guess I just may not be like everyone else cause this is a trend I dont plan to follow right now. Ill just keep my account active in case they add better features or something.
I'll tell you what is cool though...Google Wave...when it actually comes out yall will find it very useful =)
Rest in Peace Chris

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Could Tupac be the Black Jesus?

Tupac said take me how I am, Im gonna say what I feel my people need and if you dont like it-fuck you and the police. He continued to do such until (POP) he was shot to death. Long after his death he still is "alive" to some people and ironically continues to make influential and impacting works. It seems as if Hip Hop acknowledges him (or Biggie) as the higher being. Its like if they weren't alive and did what they did, Hip Hop would not be where it is now. As if Tupac was sent from a higher being to bring such an impact on the Hip Hop community.

Martin Luther King was, as everybody knows, a very important proprietor in the African American Community. He died fighting for a cause and after his death his impact reigned long after. The African American community also pays tributes to him acknowledging his greatness for if he hadn't done what he had done- African Americans would not be where they are. Its as if he is also seen as God sent.
Seeing that Tupac and MLK both have profound impacts on their audience long after their death, that they both died fighting and serving as advocates for what they believed -- just as Jesus did on the Christian community--can we make the assumption that these two serve as Jesuses to their audiences?
. . P.S. --> MLK went to Morehouse =)
Female Please. . .Your Ridicule Awaits You

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Family Bonding . . .where's its importance?

Due to technology, demanding jobs, and numerous other factors, very few people still really get important family bonding. When I was growing up, My mother ad my father spent important quality time with me. As a latent function, I gained values, inspiration, and encouragement. I was one tough cookie on the block.
It seems as if now my little brother and cousins don't really get that important family bonding. My mom works tirelessly to just provide for them. My grandfather comes and goes. My grandmother is superwoman in church and tends to everyone else's needs and it falls in my lap to produce a tightly knit bond between all of us. Only one hinderance though...COLLEGE!! Through that family bonding I experienced when I was younger, I gained a lot of values. I value academic excellence almost,if not more than anything. This is a problem but its a problem I am willing to deal with.
This missing ingredient to unified families is lost due to one thing: our centers. Right now I am reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, and in the second habits he explains the importance of being centered around the right things. He gives examples of how people are centered around money, careers, schools, pleasure, popularity and etc.. He proves that all people are centered around something and it affects their daily decisions and living heavily. The problem is that very few people are value centered. Being centered around values allows one to shape all the other areas of their life accordingly to their values. This way a persons integrity will be heightened because they are living based on values they have set and not what they want.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Bitter Twitter

Buddy Awards!!

Get off my ass!!

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan--What the fuck is wrong with sagging? Although I don’t do it often, I don’t see why chronic saggers should be frowned upon by people as well as the legislative system. People are focusing on the origin of the trend rather than its primitive meaning now. Although it came from homosexual males in jail as an indication to other dudes know he was available, now it means nothing of the sort. It’s just a hip thing to do now.
My assumption is it exuded into the media through Hip Hop rappers that were previously incarcerated. Once that image hit the consumers, young pupils who knew no better emulated these images to be cool. The purpose of sagging is not to exploit homosexuality (And what if it was??? So fuckin what) in this case, yet it is a medium used to enhance the look of a wardrobe. It makes one get a false sense of conformity to the Hip Hop imagery…making them a little more like the artist.
This is not the first time that the meaning of something negative has been turned into good. Think about the term nigger. First it was used to belittle blacks; now it is used as a term of endearment. Think about the term bitch. First used to label a female dog, then used to degrade a female, and now it’s used as a term of endearment amongst some females. Think about littering. First it was perceived to trash up the streets but now it is used to heat up the winter months (asshole move lol). I’m just saying…shit happens and shit changes….that don’t mean you have the right to say shit.
On a another note...some girls find it attractive. I asked a couple of my female friends what they thought about it. They said its okay if dudes just don't over do it. In fact, they prefer a dude that slightly sags......So blogspot. . .talk to me??
Strangers, you make me comfortable

I have always noticed that I’m more comfortable in environments with people do not know me versus an environment with people who are aware of who I am and where I derive. Those environments where the people know me often form expectations based on my past instead of focusing on what I can do. If I am in an environment with people who are unfamiliar with who I am (and my past), often expectations aren’t formed; they just wait to see what I can do. I have always wondered why but recent brainstorming has brought me to the recognizance that I am most comfortable in environments with people don’t focus on my progress but primarily my potential.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Just Quit It!!

Cultural Capital has always taught me that quitting is a punk’s way out. Recently I’ve found a book that discredits this notion. It’s called The Dip by Seth Codin (Great Author).
The Dip is the long slog between igniting a craft and mastering a craft. Often times we find ourselves starting something and it’s exiting and beneficial, but after some time it gets banal and desiccated. This is the dip, when you find yourself having a slower production rate than when you first start off.. However, the Dip is not to be avoided because it produces value by engendering scarcity. Very few people make it out the dip because many lack the heart to persevere….most will quit in the dip.
Seth Codin says one shouldn’t quit in the dip…but rather quit before starting the task that has the dip, jumping into a “Cliff”, or cruising a “Cul-de-sac”. (those are hard to explain). He says there is a difference between strategic quitting and reactive quitting. Strategic is permissible. Strategic quitting is being able foresee the opportunity cost of a venture and deciding that it’s not worth the time and effort before getting too deep into the venture. Reactive Quitting is deciding that you don’t want to indulge yourself in the venture anymore because its beginning to take its toll on you. Reactive quitting is the one that will never be respected or accepted.
I think If I would have caught on to this bit of advice sooner, I would be a much happier person today. I was always told “Never Quit”…but if I were told “Never quit something with great long-term potential just because you cant deal with the stress of the moment” maybe I would be a much better decision maker. I hope I helped you guys out with a summary of the book…If not GO GET IT!! (It’s only 80 pages)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Dangerous Negro. . .My type of ish
The WORST day of my life

SO yesterday was by far the worsxt fucking day of my life. It started off at the party. I have never been to a party and gotten rejected so many times (lol). It was horrible!! My dances to rejection ratio had to have been 1:3. So I got bored after a while and decided to try something new: drinking. The cops came to the party and told the party throwers they had 30 minutes to wrap up the party. With that, the bar was free until they ran out. I grabbed a drink of green Hawaiian punch and some other shit and started sipping. NOTE: I DONT FUCKING DRINK!! As soon as I got about 20% into the cup the cops shut it down.