Tupac said take me how I am, Im gonna say what I feel my people need and if you dont like it-fuck you and the police. He continued to do such until (POP) he was shot to death. Long after his death he still is "alive" to some people and ironically continues to make influential and impacting works. It seems as if Hip Hop acknowledges him (or Biggie) as the higher being. Its like if they weren't alive and did what they did, Hip Hop would not be where it is now. As if Tupac was sent from a higher being to bring such an impact on the Hip Hop community.

Martin Luther King was, as everybody knows, a very important proprietor in the African American Community. He died fighting for a cause and after his death his impact reigned long after. The African American community also pays tributes to him acknowledging his greatness for if he hadn't done what he had done- African Americans would not be where they are. Its as if he is also seen as God sent.
Seeing that Tupac and MLK both have profound impacts on their audience long after their death, that they both died fighting and serving as advocates for what they believed -- just as Jesus did on the Christian community--can we make the assumption that these two serve as Jesuses to their audiences?
. . P.S. --> MLK went to Morehouse =)
2 ppl talkin' to me:
I believe that Tupac could quite possibly have been a "Jesus" figure. When we really examine the man Jesus Christ, we must acknowledge that although he walked this Earth and was sent here by a higher power, he was not the higher power. When he was on the cross he even said "Father forgive them, they know not what they do". So, Jesus was sent here to teach people how to live properly to be closer to GOD, like he himself was.
Tupac was one of the most influential martyrs of our time. He lived, he was able to touch the lives of many, and he died young. Like you said, even now his impact is evident. We are mostly exposed to the grimier, more hood literature of his, but the Tupac I love writes things like "A Rose that Grew in Concrete" and "Keep Ya Head Up". He needed the popular music to gain recognition but he knew where his head was so to speak. He used his voice to express his struggles, positive attitude, the obstacles that stood in his way, and much more. In the same way the New Testament of the Bible is used to detail the life of Jesus Christ.
The only difference with Pac is that no one has created a religion behind him...yet any way lol
lol. . .Thank you for understanding what I as saying. The parallelism puts you in a state of trepidation....an alarming "A Ha!" moment lol
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What you say shawty?