SO yesterday was by far the worsxt fucking day of my life. It started off at the party. I have never been to a party and gotten rejected so many times (lol). It was horrible!! My dances to rejection ratio had to have been 1:3. So I got bored after a while and decided to try something new: drinking. The cops came to the party and told the party throwers they had 30 minutes to wrap up the party. With that, the bar was free until they ran out. I grabbed a drink of green Hawaiian punch and some other shit and started sipping. NOTE: I DONT FUCKING DRINK!! As soon as I got about 20% into the cup the cops shut it down.

So everybody was discussing where the after party was going to be; once it was established, I decided I was going to go and promulgated my mission for the night. Everybody was trying to ride with me at this point. I counted 17 people at my car attempting to get in...my car is a 4 seater. So i began to delegate who was going to ride with me with the drink in my hand still. As soon as I finalized who was riding and who wsnt the cops approached me and said "sir you need to get these people out of here." I replied "yes sir. Im getting in my car now." It was then that this mother fucker took my cup, smelled it, threw the drink on the ground and put cuffs on me.

It was at this point everyone went crazy. Two of my brothers were yelling and about to fight the cop. It was like 30 against that 3...we could have could have pulled that shit off (lol). The cops were getting mad as shit and began to rough me up. So I was screaming and telling everybody to just go! Just leave, I could handle it myself. . . .and thats what I did. I talked the cop down and told him it wasnt normal for me to drink and that I knew better. He said "yea you look like a good guy...you don't look to dangerous" (I started to say FUCK YOU!!) and then he let me go.

It was then point I left and met up with my friends...come to find out our stroll coaches wanted us to meet up at our location. I rushed over there and experienced dumb ass painful ass waste of time to make us bond more...bullshit. Once we wrapped that up a couple of us bullshitted around and finally decided to go waffle house. We piled in my car. It was 8 of us.

We were flying down the highway...Im talking 81 listening to Gucci Mane. They were cracking jokes on my selection of music so I decided be an asshole and blast it (lol). AS continued to blast my music and the speed of my car . . .I pass blue sirens,....that were chasing me. He pulled me over and gave me hell for a while but at the end of the incident he just gave me a ticket for speeding.
Now that im feeling like a dick, I proceed to waffle house to ool off. Once we arrive...we all crowd around one booth and this asshole ass waitress is talking shit to ME!! WTF DID I DO TO YOU!! "Why ya'll have to sit at this table", "Ya'll need to move to that one", "I'm not serving them...Trusee you come serve em".. . .CHICK SHUT THE FUCK UP!! . . .I finally got my meal and decided to share it with the girls that were with us. These chicks wanna be ungrateful and shit. So . . .I was selfish over my waffle (lol).
As we continued to eat, we watched this lady get harased by the cops (lol). She was drunk as fuck!! She passed the line walking test...but then the cops started making her do dance moves . LMAO!! She was spinning, moonwalking and I think someone said she did a kartwheel (lol). It got out of hand. The cops stayed for a while so it lengthened our stay cause my car was overpopulated.

We finally left there and got back to the school. Me and my girlfriend were going through some turmoil at the time so I decided to talk to her and relish in her presence to make my day end right at least. Not th case, although me and her were good after talking. We tried sex. . .and I nutted so fucking fast. This is not the case for me at all!! This never happens!! It was an unintended quickie...and probably left her feeling used. [Epic Fail] We decided to cuddle to calibrate our emotions from that useless ass attempt with our emotions we usually gain from cuddling. The only thing is...it was sooooo fucking cold!! So I wasn't thinking bout her ass (lol); I was trying to get comfortable and warm. We ended up falling asleep where we were for 2 ours because I had something to do....when I woke up...I declared Thursday, December 11, 2009 as the wort day of my life.

5 ppl talkin' to me:
awwww:(....well you live and you learn....drinking just isnt for ppl like us...lets leave it to kaylen;)
Yea Dri...its not the bloat that floats
And Bruh....waffle house usually is my safe haven =(
Worst day ever... wonder why! Although you know that answer...
. . . HEllo Bri lol. . . Im well aware of why . . smh lol
wow....wow umm so yea no more drinking for you and were your friends so hammered they didnt think to tell u to dump the cup since u were drivng? as far as ur gf is conscerned, im sure she understands. i mean it does happen. just chock that entire night up as one of those stories to tell your kids when you get older lol
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What you say shawty?