I just want to fall off the face of the earth right now. I envision me alone on a hypothetical island surrounded by my brainy phantasms. I have my trusty rod, string and gum to selectively reel in those thoughts to harvest for myself. I have no wish to be rescued from this place, for it keeps me distant from the immediate world. I used to love being the guy that everybody hated but now I hate being the guy that everybody loves. I’m on Christmas break and I must say I am enjoying it so far because it’s going exactly how I wanted it to. I have planned to use this time wisely since September of this year. My goal is to enlighten myself on the subjects I have sought to understand for some time. However every time I begin exegesis, I am unpleasantly interrupted. Everyone texts me requesting to spend some time with me, but they haven’t considered the time I’d like to spend with myself?
I love having a social life, but I don’t have an intellectual life. The only chance I get to sharpen my intellect is through schooling and blogging. Schooling limits my knowledge to my intended profession and core curriculum; it doesn’t talk about the intricacies of my cultural historical progression, understanding others or other weird topics that capture my interest. Blogging only serves as an instrument for me to express myself. With that, reading, surveying and excogitation are things that I contemporarily prize. Of course this is nothing but a mere zeitgeist, but while it is in duration I ask that everyone please respect my time to myself until further notice.
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What you say shawty?