I may have had the best conversation yet here in the AUC. With all the homosexual disdaining going on up here,I thought to ask a homosexual, well bi-sexual, friend of mine to speak n behalf the gay/homosexual community. I asked him why did many of the males that did go homosexual go through wiht the process? He shared that many times its just genuine propoensity towardse same sex, a traumatic childhood, or the way he has been socialized. [just like a heterosexual] My room mate then interrupted to support the latter; he said that it may be te puruit of dominance. It may be a way for that male to get that power and respect that will eventually get him social acceptance.
He says that maybe that person has been brought up in a single-mother household where the mother played the dominant role. Society has conveyed to this person as a child that a being a man requires power, respect and dominance. With that, the child inadvertently accumulates his mothers feminine habits. The child is under the impression tat he is projecting an image of dominance that will get him power and respect. When he interacts with with his male counterparts however he eventually becomes the subject of ridicule. Because of his harmless deviance to the mold of a man that society has sculptures, he has not gotten social acceptance of his peers. Seeing that social acceptance is one of the most desired intangibles on this Earth, he seeks to find it else where.
He soon comes into contact with a boy just like him. From here is where it gets tricky...the accptance of a homosexual lifestyle is the result of one or two pills ...the red one or the blue one:
The two that share the same feminine similarities soon becomne labeled by external spectators as gay. They are compelled (not forced) to internalize this stereotype and enjoy a homosexual lifestyle under this counterculture.
The two see that the females want them as friends and never as a mate. With that, they turn to each other for that much needed affection and as a result gain confirmation and confidence in their sexuality.
Either one of these results in them embracing an enjoyable counterculture. I don't like to see those that have internalized the dominant culture of sexuality to bash those who have been socialized to accept a homosexual lifestyle. Most times it was due to "just genuine propoensity towardse same sex, a traumatic childhood, or the way he has been socialized" as my bisexual friend shared. Although I know my sexuality has jut been subdued to inquiry by you all that are reading this, I still seek to understand the motives of homosexuals. I feel that only good can come from undertanding.
In one case I may serve as an advocate for this counterculture. I see many heterosexuas speaking up for the homosexual community. We may be the only voice that other heterosexuals listen to becuase this coming from a homosexua may seem bias. This can bring peace between the two sexual entities. In another instance, this may help me to be able to prevent others from choosing a sexuality because of these experiences. It may help me to seek a medium to speak to the parents about the way they are parenting their kids.
Either way this gay bashing should be stopped . . . .again I say Let Gays Live
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What you say shawty?