Growing up I was always taught that one should never show too much emotion--especially towards a man. It made you look weak. So i would hate it when my brother showed me so much love. My intentions were always to mold him into a great man, but at the time my perception of a man was emotionless. I would ridicule him for being a punk when he showed me too much appreciation. After a little maturation on my behalf, I have changed my perspective (hence the word latter above). I want my brother to express himself as much as he likes but still keeping a sense of masculinity when he does it.
Today as I left church I told him bye from a distance because I was in a rush to go to my meeting. As I left the building I walked to my car. All of a sudden I hear "Jeffrey! Wait up!". I quickly aboutface and see my brother sprinting towards me in the rain. When he got to me he gave me a hug. . .
That meant the world to me actually for multiple reasons. One I feel the love. Two I know my brother appreciates and notices how much I care him. Three, My brother isn't afraid to express himself!! I think I deserve a pat on the back. I am so proud of the little guy already. I love my little homie!! Keep the good shit up J-ro!!!
4 ppl talkin' to me:
awwww....(tear).....big brother jeff..im glad its all girls over here...sometimes its too much emotion..ahhhhh
this just made me miss my brother and sister all the more! I cannot WAIT to get back to mine! I will appreciate those hugs because I know there will be plenty. You're an okay guy, so I'm sure he'll be wonderful {because he already is}! I hope you have a great Christmas break and New Year...don't forget me kiddo...throw up a smoke signal or something every now and then!
Luvs and kisses,
tayPeezy {every1 calls me this now.lol}
I could only imagine(lol). If u ever need to get away, Hit me up and we ride da streets!! =D
Tay Peeeeezay, (how let folks steal my name Punk!!)
The way you talk about your fam, Im pretty sure your shiitin in your draws to get back to them (lol). Enjoy your holidays as well!! (stay away from Unc/grinch). Hit me up and tell me how ur Christmas went then we can outdown to new year together!!
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What you say shawty?