**Guaranteed Touchdown**: In Madden if you've ever played with the bengals you know the one play the guarantees a touchdown no matter what is when you put Chris Henry at Wide out and Chad Ocho Cinco in slot to the wide side of the feild, send Chad on a deep post, send Chris on a fade and throw it to whoever the safety doesn't bite on. NOW I CANT DO THAT!!! Sorry Madden Lovers but Chris Henry has died.

He was on the back on a yellow Ford F-150 pick up truck when he and his fiance were arguing. Sources say that he told his wife that if she didn't stop, he was going to jump off and kill himself. and so he did...its a sad thing what love can do huh. Chris has 3 kids with this woman and was only 26 years old. he had much more life to live and he was just getting the respect he deserved in the NFL. He had been clean and out of trouble for 2 yrs. According to his teamates, his turn around showed that he was really trying to make something out of himself. He was really trying to better himself, but i guess the pressures of doing well caved in when the only thing he really cared for threatened to leave him.
Chris, you my dog bruh. I idolized you as a high school athlete. Continue to make the crowd roar in heaven...stay up homie!

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What you say shawty?