I've been feeling the need to address this topic for a while now. I have met great people here at school. Theres people who I can have great conversations with all day. But with those conversations, there are some who I assume don't encounter good conversations often and become slightly possessive over me. They label me as "best friend". This is not a problem, I like the idea of best friend but its the implication of the obligations that sway me away.
Although I have just met you, you have implied that I must converse with you frequently, be there in your bad times, continue to keep you smiling, get very close with you, eventually meet your family and always support you. . . but what if I just like to have good conversations. I've been told I have a magnetic persona but the irony is I hate being attached to others. Nevertheless, I hate being forced to do things.
If you truly want to be a good friend of mines, respect my space and isolation. MY good friend Khalfani (his blog is dope, check it out) has a series of poems entitled "Isolation vs Intimacy". In these poems he is talking about being single versus involved but a quote from his poem is relevant here . HE says "I was only intimate with my isolation"....I like being by my self. I only have 1 real best friend [Auriel Rucker], 5 real male friends [Joe, Kaylen, Asia, Kimbro, and Akil] and alot of female friends [Check out one of their blogs] (no assumptions please). They all know that Im innately a loner. So If you are attempting to be a good friend of mines first respect my isolation; dont force me to be close with you. It will only push me away...Shouts out to all my true friends!!
2 ppl talkin' to me:
true true true....so very TRUE! you need to note this on facebook..asap! everybody needs to kno that there are what elisa calls "situational friend ships", which means people are only good for what you need them for. True friendships last forever and are hard to find. true friends don't have to be with eachother 24 seven, for a friendship to last. LOVE You Jeffy!
ME and ELY need to go in on a note!!! Would you add on to it though??
This topic deff needs to be talked about more lol
. . .Thanks DRI!!! LOVE YA MORE LADY!!
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What you say shawty?