I feel like I have been picking on my fellas for the past two months or so. . .but now I need to express my aversion towards these females.

First off, "all niggas are the same" is a myth that your mother has instilled into your beliefs. I think that what she was trying to say was "All niggas that she attracts are the same". Seeing that you and your mother probably have alot of things in common, you probably get a rush off no-good niggas as well. So. . .what does that result in?...you repetitively getting hurt by the dudes you attract and are attracted to.
Believe it or not, there are a butt load of good dudes out there, you just cant see them because they arent what you depict as cool. But lets take a second to properly assess what is cool. Cool is what the dominant culture has agreed upon to be the social norms. So my assumption is that dude who is really good for you is a tad bit different from what your used to. Your dominant culture is popularity centered while his subculture is value centered (this book is really gettin to me).
So before you go off and generalize all males as no good, remember that all males in your culture are no good. bell hooks once asserted that the problem with most cultures is they refuse to "replace the notion of community with communion" meaning that if your culture embraced diversity and being interdependent rather than accepting idea of monotonous independence, that maybe you'll find what you cant see.
[deep breath]--->I'm not done.

[something like this, but not precisely]
What the hell is the pose when yall pucker your lips, toot ya butt, imitate a bowlegged girl, and throw a peace sign supposed to mean? It looks fuckin ridiculous.Taking pictures of yourself in the mirror translates to boredom and loneliness, not to mention you want to fake bowlegs to convey the implication that you have a fat pussy.Shameful. . . .I don't feel the need to elaborate any more, just examine yourself. You look that bad.

Why the hell do yall keep wearing leggings like they jeans!!! That's disgusting and even worse for the outta shape, jiggly butt, enormous ass females!!! STOP THAT SHIT!! You look like a thirsty seal just waitin for the right dude to throw you fish. The only thing that swims that will be thrown at your mouth is sperm. Catch that slut. Have some fuckin class next time you walk out the house. I dont give a fuck if it is for a party...most of yall jump in the middle of the dance floor, dance by yourself and when a dude tries to dance with you- you become suddenly tired. STFU!! And for the ones that do dance: that nice soft ass feels good in a dude's lap. Why the hell do you have the nerve to get mad at oh boy becuase he got hard???. . .Just remember this "You dress how you would like to be addressed". . .SLUT!!!
. . Barnes and Nobles closes in a few and im on their WIFI so I have to wrap this up...but im not done...expect part two very soon.
2 ppl talkin' to me:
LOL I'm guilty of the kissy lip face. I have NO idea why I do it..it's ridiculous but I do it all the time. :(
Funny post though, the leggings crack me up: I want some. Hahaha
omg, I was Actually laughing out loud. Very true very true; I never knew that the bo leggedness amounted to that lol WOW.
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What you say shawty?