Sooooooooooooooo Im on facebook expressing my aversion towards Twitter and I get a legit comment on my status by Shapel Laborde. Dont know her too well yet but she seems pretty damn cool (Check her blog out). She agreed that twitter is too much but addded that all the social networks kinda need to slow down. That they take away our human conversational skills.
I agree.The other night my buddy of the year and I came to the conclusion that we would much rather text than talk on the phone. Reason being that texting leaves you room for mistakes, time to compensate for messups and grants you the ability to politely ignore/discontinue conversations with some people. Although it is a big plus now...how will affect us in the future. We're neglecting our chance to cultivate our interpersonal skills through frequent communication. If given chance to converse with some one of higher status, we would need to be quick witted and quick to respond...no time to think right. Why shouldnt we add the same concept to our personal lives of communication?
. . .I got to do better---> eventually! lol
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What you say shawty?