I have always noticed that I’m more comfortable in environments with people do not know me versus an environment with people who are aware of who I am and where I derive. Those environments where the people know me often form expectations based on my past instead of focusing on what I can do. If I am in an environment with people who are unfamiliar with who I am (and my past), often expectations aren’t formed; they just wait to see what I can do. I have always wondered why but recent brainstorming has brought me to the recognizance that I am most comfortable in environments with people don’t focus on my progress but primarily my potential.
3 ppl talkin' to me:
So true!! & sometimes it's easier to be myself around strangers because they don't assume they "already know"?! I think of Jesus, and how He was/is such an awesome person, but mainly to those who didn't know Him as the little boy from bethlehem!! Even the greatest creations of life go unrecognized and underestimated by those who witnessed "creation"! we take people for granted. oh too often....
Yess Jeffie!!! I totally agree...when Im around people I dont know I can be me, or someone else and have fun doing it. But sometimes I like to act different around people I know and catch their reactions...idk...Im weird like that...
Shandra --> EXACTLY!! Makes me wanna sing T.I.'s old song "You might of seen me in the streets but potna you dont know ME!" lol...great minds think alike
Nandi --> Nah thats not weird cuz I do it as well its called ethnomethodology. You should look it up! =)
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What you say shawty?