Christmas is nine days away and I haven't even brainstormed a list. I find that the significance of Christmas and New Years has slowly diluted. I used to be the kid to prep for Xmas two months before it came...even when I found out Santa was a myth. Now it seems that Xmas is just another way to help families bond. Question: Hasn't the significance of family bonding lost its high value as well.
Due to technology, demanding jobs, and numerous other factors, very few people still really get important family bonding. When I was growing up, My mother ad my father spent important quality time with me. As a latent function, I gained values, inspiration, and encouragement. I was one tough cookie on the block.
It seems as if now my little brother and cousins don't really get that important family bonding. My mom works tirelessly to just provide for them. My grandfather comes and goes. My grandmother is superwoman in church and tends to everyone else's needs and it falls in my lap to produce a tightly knit bond between all of us. Only one hinderance though...COLLEGE!! Through that family bonding I experienced when I was younger, I gained a lot of values. I value academic excellence almost,if not more than anything. This is a problem but its a problem I am willing to deal with.
This missing ingredient to unified families is lost due to one thing: our centers. Right now I am reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, and in the second habits he explains the importance of being centered around the right things. He gives examples of how people are centered around money, careers, schools, pleasure, popularity and etc.. He proves that all people are centered around something and it affects their daily decisions and living heavily. The problem is that very few people are value centered. Being centered around values allows one to shape all the other areas of their life accordingly to their values. This way a persons integrity will be heightened because they are living based on values they have set and not what they want.
Due to technology, demanding jobs, and numerous other factors, very few people still really get important family bonding. When I was growing up, My mother ad my father spent important quality time with me. As a latent function, I gained values, inspiration, and encouragement. I was one tough cookie on the block.
It seems as if now my little brother and cousins don't really get that important family bonding. My mom works tirelessly to just provide for them. My grandfather comes and goes. My grandmother is superwoman in church and tends to everyone else's needs and it falls in my lap to produce a tightly knit bond between all of us. Only one hinderance though...COLLEGE!! Through that family bonding I experienced when I was younger, I gained a lot of values. I value academic excellence almost,if not more than anything. This is a problem but its a problem I am willing to deal with.
This missing ingredient to unified families is lost due to one thing: our centers. Right now I am reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, and in the second habits he explains the importance of being centered around the right things. He gives examples of how people are centered around money, careers, schools, pleasure, popularity and etc.. He proves that all people are centered around something and it affects their daily decisions and living heavily. The problem is that very few people are value centered. Being centered around values allows one to shape all the other areas of their life accordingly to their values. This way a persons integrity will be heightened because they are living based on values they have set and not what they want.
I feel this same value centered lifestyle needs to be placed amongst the families in America. If the values are established, bonding will arrive. The need for bonding is dire but its centered around the awareness of ones values. If family is in their values and the values of the family are established, bonding will regain its importance.
[. . .maybe if everyone knew the values of a family bonding will even come unnecessary. After all isn't that what bonding does?]
2 ppl talkin' to me:
I love bonding:)
You write so much, it's hard for me to read it all:( Sorry friend.
But yeah, I def. need ME time. Next time I take a ish, I'll think of you. LOL. But hopefully on my little break I'll get some thoughts.
Ha Ha great deal!
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What you say shawty?