Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan--What the fuck is wrong with sagging? Although I don’t do it often, I don’t see why chronic saggers should be frowned upon by people as well as the legislative system. People are focusing on the origin of the trend rather than its primitive meaning now. Although it came from homosexual males in jail as an indication to other dudes know he was available, now it means nothing of the sort. It’s just a hip thing to do now.
My assumption is it exuded into the media through Hip Hop rappers that were previously incarcerated. Once that image hit the consumers, young pupils who knew no better emulated these images to be cool. The purpose of sagging is not to exploit homosexuality (And what if it was??? So fuckin what) in this case, yet it is a medium used to enhance the look of a wardrobe. It makes one get a false sense of conformity to the Hip Hop imagery…making them a little more like the artist.
This is not the first time that the meaning of something negative has been turned into good. Think about the term nigger. First it was used to belittle blacks; now it is used as a term of endearment. Think about the term bitch. First used to label a female dog, then used to degrade a female, and now it’s used as a term of endearment amongst some females. Think about littering. First it was perceived to trash up the streets but now it is used to heat up the winter months (asshole move lol). I’m just saying…shit happens and shit changes….that don’t mean you have the right to say shit.
On a another note...some girls find it attractive. I asked a couple of my female friends what they thought about it. They said its okay if dudes just don't over do it. In fact, they prefer a dude that slightly sags......So blogspot. . .talk to me??
6 ppl talkin' to me:
I'd rather the saggy pants than tight. I juss dont wanna see drawers. I was thinking about the nigga thing when I read the first paragraph.
I figured. And I think I wanna go in on the "nigga" subject as well...thanks for lettin me kno ur prefernce
It wasn't related to homosexuality in prison. Prisoners wore saggy pants because the clothing given to them wasn't the right size. The problem is people should not want to emulate prison culture. People today sag because it is a part of hip hop culture. These big icons all blatantly admit to criminal activity and such. People sag because they want to give the appearance that the same rappers do. What's wrong with wearing your pants above your waist?
My point exactly. So whats the problem. The dominant music genre thats pervasive throughout the youth has always dictated their actions. You cant blame the youth for emulating the rappers. Instead you should blame the rappers for making prison culture cool. Whats wrong with wearing my pants above my waist?. . .Its not cool. I would rather do something cool and slightly conventional than something whack that nobody else thinking is cool.
You can't blame the rappers because alot of them have been to jail. You should blame the youth for wanting to be like somebody who's been to jail instead of wanting to be like somebody who's a doctor or a lawyer or somebody important in this society. Wearing a suit, and sitting at a fancy desk with a secretary is cool too.
Blame the youth? Cmon, the youth is naive. They are looking for guidance and where they are finding that guidance is in the media. Maybe who should be up for blame is the parents for if they were guided and instilled sound values in ther children, they wouldnt be looking to the media for guidance; they look to mommy and daddy for guidance. If mommy and daddy are in a suit with an office and an assistant then maybe theyll think its cool BUT ONLY if their friends thinks its cool as well.
No matter what the circumstance are in the youth, deviance from the popular culture always results in ridicule. IF the popular culture is led by Hip Hop (in my neck of the woods) then the children will also be led by them as well to get a collective and conventional sense of what is "cool" . . . in terms of sagging. That is cool.
Lames can never reverse the meaning of cool...why do think the parents and people like yourself find such a hard time refuting the habit?
(Note: Im not calling you a lame, but you do oppose what is cool in this argument. You only fit the category, no insult intended)
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What you say shawty?